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Will I spare y'all with a cliffhanger?
We'll see ;)


ofc you get another version somewhen..BUT NOT ZODAYYY unless you don't want another one hehe

Liz's POV

We drove back home to Amanda's house. I believed her, that the ‚thing' I saw was just an animal and calmed down.

Tho it really seemed like a person..
Either way, we arrived at her house and got out of the car. Amanda held my hand the whole way up to her porch and inside.

She opened the door and let me go inside first. I stepped inside and she followed after me, closing the door behind us.

„Gosh I know now why I love coming here." I mumbled and hoped Amanda haven't heard me. For my luck, she did.

"What's there reason?" She asked, smirking mischievously at me. "Uhh nothing.." I lied. The reason was simply that I loved the smell of her house.

It was always so calming. Hard to describe. But if I had to, I would say it smelled like a wild rose and a touch of peaches. I loved it.

"Come on! Tell me!" Amanda nudged my shoulder and threw herself on the couch after. "No." I denied and sat down next to Amanda.

"Then you won't come here anymore." Amanda stated and smiles innocently. "What?! No. Ugh... fine okay I'll tell you." Amanda sat up and looked at me.


„It's really cozy and comfortable here. I just feel like home." I lied and just returned the stare. Her eyes..they were just perfect as always. Shining brown eyes..mixed with just a little bit blue..

Her eyes were the definition of perfect and I lost myself on them ever time. Before I noticed Amanda kissed my cheek.

„Amanda!" I jumbled at her Touch. Her soft lips..against my skin.. „Thank you for the compliments." she snickered and I felt my cheeks heat up.

„Did I say it out loud?!" I panicked and looked at her. Amanda only nodded and smiled at me. „WhAt I meant was..uhhh" I searched for a good excuse but couldn't find one.

I looked at Amanda and then down in my lap. „Okay yeah..make fun of me for that." I felt how Amanda lifted her hand up and under my chin.

She forced me to look her into her eyes. The lights above us let them shine oh so bright. „I would never..make fun of you. For anything."

This smile..that really cute and Innocent smile I love so much, formed on her lips and she leaned in closer. I watched her every move.

Amanda closed her eyes and kissed me. Her soft lips against mine was freeing and only one single kiss of her was taking away every worry that was heavy on my heart.

„Oh I should tell A.J. to pick the tomatoes." Amanda giggled after she parted from me. I went completely silent. „Awe..did I hurt you?" Amanda asked ironically and grinned.

„No." I stood up, only to sit myself on her lap. „Look who is the tomato now." I leaned in closer. „L-Liz." „Awe. Stuttering, huh?" I was the one grinning now and I took her hands to held them over her head. (The couch is on the Wall Oop)

She looked up at me. Her legs trembled underneath me. „Liz..i don't think we should do it here.." Amanda stated in a cautious way, that definitely didn't make me stop in my doing.

With the hand that wasn't holding her wrists, I slowly trailed over her side and to the hem of her shirt. „They sleep anyways. It's late so they won't notice." I smirked and slid my hand under her shirt.

She shivered under my touch and only looked at me with a flustered face. I went further up and opened her bra. „Liz.." Amanda still tried to stop me.

„Shh..be quite. Or do you want to get caught?" I asked mischievously. „No.." Amanda looked down and back at me. „Be quick.." I looked at her and my eyes told her otherwise.

„We will see." I pulled up her shirt and revealed her upper body. „Gorgeous." I said, not noticing that I said it out loud. I only felt Amanda trembling even more.

As I leaned in close, she lifted her chin a little bit, knowing that I was going in for her neck. I gently kissed her and trailed little kisses all over her neck, eventually leaving one or two hickeys to remind her and everyone that she was mine.

Amanda moaned a little and closed her eyes. I went down a little and also left kisses and love bites on her collarbones. Her weakness.

„L-Liz.." she moaned and I brought up my hand to her mouth. „Shh..no talking." The moment I released her wrists, she herself held her mouth shut.

I smiled and continued where I stopped. My hand wandered down between her legs and she closed them as soon as possible. „Amanda." I said sternly, implying that she should have not done that.

She opened her legs a little and I forced them apart more, tho I was still sitting on her lap so they weren't that open.

I felt her heat through her pants. Her heart was pulsing and went for her belt. As.. „What are you two doing here?!" Darren bursted into the room and caught us.

I brought up Amanda's shirt immediately to cover her breast and got my hands off of her. Tho I stayed in her lap.

„Uhm..nothing." Amanda answered, blushing like crazy. I smiled nervously and only looked at Darren. „We uhm.." Darren started laughing. „All cool. I know..well uhm but next time do it in your room Amanda."

He grinned and waved off after her grabbed the snacks. The ones he was coming down for in the first place. After that he went back upstairs and left us, flustered and embarrassed on the couch.

I looked at Amanda and she at me. „Told you!" she snorted and I only laughed. „Well at least he didn't completely raged about that." I laughed and Amanda gave me this kind of ‚we-should-not-have-done-this' looks which made everything even more funnier.

„Let's Go in my room." Amanda said and somehow picked me up. „Then we continue there." I smirked and she -surprisingly- smiled back. „No. We're gonna sleep."

„Oh no we wont." Only then I didn't know what Amanda meant with that..


so uhm I have a headache now and want sleep. I'm kinda sober again. And I kind of spell checked this here lol. Anywho. Smut in the next part. ;)

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