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I'm back home bitches since yesterday lol. Guess who's gonna write again.
I just really wanna finish this story..

This is not spellchecked at all.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  Amanda's POV  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Leo slapped Jason and in mere seconds, Jason laid on the ground. It was so quick I didn't even notice how he fell.

Liz looked frightened the complete opposite of Leo who had a mischievous smirk plastered on her face.

Leo straddled Jason's hips and held his wrists above his head, well she tried. Jason struggled a little bit to get his hands feee, but once he did, he pushed Leo off of him and against the wall.

She hit her head. Liz quickly got in front of Jason to protect him as she saw how Leo was about to attack again.

Leo stopped in her tracks as she saw Liz. ,,Leo get away from him!" Liz shouted and Jason stood up quickly.

I only watched but then got out my phone. I made my way into the kitchen unnoticed by the others and immediately informed the police.

A man, around 20 years, picked up and I described the situation. Two of his colleagues were send and then the call ended.

I heard Liz screaming and ran into the living room again. She fell and Leo was about to attack Jason. I quickly got behind her and held her hands behind her back.

How did I do that? I have absolutely no clue.
Liz looked up at me and smiled a softly. ,,Liz are you okay?" Jason walked over to her and helped her up.

She nodded. ,,Yeah I'm fine." Then both Jason and Liz turned their attention to me and Leo. She struggled and moved around to free herself from my grip, unsuccessful.

,,Amanda where were you?" Liz asked, the sentence ending with a light cough. ,,I called the police. They are here in a few minutes."

Liz nodded and I looked at Leo. ,,Now, since you can't move anyways, would you mind telling us why you lied to us and did all this?"

Leo only huffed and looked down at the ground. ,,Leo." Liz aggressively said and Leo rolled her eyes.

,,I was trying to get Liz back!" I was shocked. ,,Get her back?" ,,Yes! Get her back! She was mine but then she met you! A basic shady butch who isn't even worth her time!"

,,And that's why you take Lilly from me and hurt me?!" Jason yelled and Leo nodded. ,,I didn't know how else I could get Liz's attention.."

,,You are such a bitch Leo!" Liz walked over to her, a tear running down her cheek. ,,You were my best friend! I trusted you!" ,,I'm sor-." ,,Dont you dare say sorry! Because that doesn't make it better!"

Liz looked up at me and wiped away the tear. ,,Can you hold her until the police is here?" She asked and I nodded.

,,I have to go outside for a bit..progressing all of this.." Liz turned around and walked out the front door.

Jason and I watched her closing the door and then looked back at Leo. ,,Leo did you hurt Lilly?" She denied. ,,Jason please go to her. She is somewhere upstairs."

He nodded and did so. And I was left with Leo. ,,You know that Liz could have never want you back after that.."

Leo didn't say anything anymore. I somehow related to her but at the same time, I was super pissed.

After a few more minutes Jason and Lilly walked down. Lilly on Jason's back and her little bag in his hand. ,,Found her." Jason smiled and i could feel how relieved he was to see his daughter being alright.

Then the door opened and Liz walked in with two men from the police behind her. She looked at me. ,,Which one of you is Leo?" One of the men asked with a stern, dominant voice.

,,Here. It's this lady." I replied and they walked towards me. I let go of Leo and the men took her. They put handcuffs around her wrists and I saw Leo's regret mirroring in her eyes.

They just waved off and brought her to the car. Liz, Jason and I followed to the front door and thanked the men. Liz and Jason were requested to testify at the police station.

- Time skip two weeks after that (coz I'm damn lazy and y'all probably want smut) -

Leo was send to a asylum where she had to stay until she was fully recovered. Jason had to take therapy as well and he was allowed to see Lilly on the weekends.

He was still damaged from Leo's mind games, so Liz and I kept Lilly over the weeks.

This day was a day off for us since it was Friday. Jason picked up Lilly in the early morning. So Liz and I were completely alone.

,,Liz." I purred and snuggled up to her, my face buried in her chest under the covers. She looked at me with shining eyes. ,,Hm? What's wrong babe?"

I smirked a little. ,,You know..we're all alone.." But Liz cut me off. ,,Amanda we can't.." ,,Why not?" Liz rolled her eyes. ,,Because we have to go to our friends later."

,,No.." I buried my face deeper and poured. ,,Baby.." Liz played a little with my hair but I wouldn't give in. I wanted my fun.

,,Amanda." I simply groaned in response. ,,We still have like 8 hours.." Liz mumbled to herself. A little grin formed on my lips.

,,Hm okay..I guess we can do a little something." Liz threw the cover off of us and pulled me higher to kiss me passionately.

Her lips pressed against mine, moving in a slow pace. It made me shiver. Liz kissed down from my lips to my neck and over my collar bones.

I then got more on top of her and held myself up with my hands placed next to her head.

I slowly graced over her neck and kissed it. Liz shivered a little bit underneath me. I paused and looked at her.

———————————————- chapter is smut..and that will be the second last chapter...

More information in the next chapter ;)

Okay bye lovelies <3

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