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At the same time

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  Liz's POV  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

As soon as Leo and I arrived at my parents house, I collapsed on the ground. ,,Elizabeth!" My mom ran up to me and pulled me into a tight hug. ,,What happened?!"

I sobbed onto her shoulder and dug my nails into her shirt. ,,A-Amanda.." I answered slowly. ,,Amanda? What did she do, sweetheart?"

Then Leo answered. I couldn't talk anymore. It ripped my heart apart. Amanda could have never done that, but the lighter proved it.

,,Amanda burned the photos of Liz and I." My mother looked up at Leo and smiled. ,,Leo! It's you. That sounds terrible." ,,Yea. That's why we are here now."

My mother rubbed my back and we just sat there in a calming silence. ,,Come on. Let's sit and calm down a little bit, shall we?" My mother parted and looked me into my eyes.

I nodded and we walked over to the living room where I let myself fall on the couch. Leo sat down next to me together with Lilly on her lap.

My mother went into the kitchen and made all of us a red tea. ,,Leo..what should I do? I love Amanda.." ,,I know you do. Just leave her alone a bit. She will apologize and admit that she was just jealous."

I smiled and hugged Leo. ,,Thank you for being here with me.."She hugged me and caressed over my back. ,,Of course love- uhm I mean Liz hehe." She giggled and we sat there for a few seconds.

I felt protected and calmed down slowly. When my mother came back, she handed us the hot cups of tea and sat down across from us. We chatted for a while until I heard a loud noise. Almost like a car door.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Amanda's POV *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

My eyes caught tears again. ,,So Leo won after all.." I went back inside the car and slammed the door shut. I didn't care if they heard it at that point.

My only priority was to get away and let out my sadness. The forest.. The engine roared to life and I drove off and in the direction of the deep, dark forest.

The street leading there was empty and it was not well known either. Only a few knew about this street. The original path was closer to the main town.

Liz and I found it once while we were on a walk. It was really exciting and adventurous. We found so many cool places to relax.

I followed the street and stopped the car at the entrance. The first time I am here alone..
I stepped out of the car and closed the door behind me. It was quiet, peaceful and yet so mysterious.

It was late and the sun wasn't far from setting. Regardless of that, I made my way inside the forest and followed the path to Liz and my favorite spot. A little place near a small pond with a bench.

That is were everything began. Liz and I laid here when we were kids and joked about marriage and relationships even tho we had no idea how they worked, nor were we ready for one.

To add to that, we would have never thought that we would really marry each other and be a happy..well a couple..

The bench was cold and the water was waving oh so lightly. It was a beautiful view when I'm being honest.

Surrounded by trees but in the middle of that there was this pond. I can't believe we found this when we were kids..

I sat down and took a deep breath. Tasting the fresh air. Even tho Florida was mostly warm, it still send a cold shiver down my spine. I wasn't prepared to stay out..

But I enjoyed the time alone. I was able to clear my mind a little and accept the fact that I had to fight when I want Liz back.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  Liz's POV  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

I looked outside and saw the car standing in front of the house. Amanda.. As fast as I could, I jumped up and ran to the front door, trying to shout for Amanda.

But as soon as I reached the front door, Amanda was gone. The car drove off and I was left at my porch.

Why did she not ring? I thought about it and came to the conclusion that she must have sawn Leo and me cuddling..

,,I have to go." I stated while I grabbed my car keys and a blanket. You never know what Amanda does when her feelings are hurt. And it's all my fault. Even tho she burned those pictures I still love her.

Leo followed me to the car, but I didn't want her to come with me. ,,I'm sorry Leo but that is my fault so I have to do that alone." She looked sad, but I ignored that for now. ,,Okay then."

After she got back inside, I started the car and drove around to look for Amanda. First place was her house. Hopefully she is here..

The bell ran and A.J. opened the door. ,,Liz? What are you doing here?" ,,Amanda was at my house. Have you seen her?" A.J. shook his head. ,,I'm sorry Liz. Maybe you ask her parents." I nodded and hugged A.J. goodbye before I drove over to Amanda's parents.

They lived not far down the town. I just prayed that she was home, but I found out soon enough that even her parents had no clue where she was.

Amanda where are you..
I looked at my phone. It was already past six. What if something happened? My heart raced and I kept on freaking out.

Then I remembered something. Our forest! I tried calling Amanda again, like I did a few times before, but again no answer.

With slight panic, I drove to the entrance of the forest and finally found Amanda's car standing there.

Amanda was not in it. She must have went inside. The path wasn't hard to find and I followed it until I came to a little pond..

With Amanda crying on a bench..


*cough* who said I'm not allowed to update seven times in two days?!?! *cough*

I'm sorry that I make y'all sad with this but drama has to be! I promise it's gonna get better!

Idk when I update next lmao probably somewhen later today ;)

Until then, bye lovelies <3

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