This Girl

550 35 15

Oop- me updating three times a day?!


Also this is completely NOT spellchecked. Oopsie.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  Amanda's POV  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

We laid down and I cuddled up to Liz. ,,Can't believe she found me.." Liz mumbled and did not even notice me hugging her.

,,Who is she?" I asked and broke her trance. ,,Leo? She's an old friend of mine.." Liz looked sad and pulled me a little bit closer to her which was very unusual.

,,Did you like her..?" I looked at Liz and into her eyes. But she couldn't hold my stare. She looked down. ,,Yea..back then I did..but Jason was always better and very obsessive."

,,Who is this Jason guy? He hurt Leo right?" ,,Yes. He is Leo's ex boyfriend. The broke up yesterday and he slapped her a lot. But she escaped and came here. Jason would not follow her here. And he doesn't know about you so she should be safe here."

I nodded along as Liz told me a little bit more about Leo. Turns out the two had a really strong bond, but they walked different paths as soon as Leo got together with Jason.

,,I feel really bad for her." Liz told me and I understood why. But somehow this Leo made a weird impression on me. That smirk earlier..

,,Amanda you ok?" I looked back at Liz and smiled. ,,Yea. I'm just tired." I lied. I wasn't tired. My mind was full of questioned and that would surely keep me up all night.

,,Then Let's sleep." Liz kissed my cheek and smiled at me. Why is she sweet to me all of the sudden? I cuddled up more and tried to fall asleep. Liz was asleep very fast. It took her basically only a minute.

I couldn't fall asleep. There were to many questions flying around in my head. And especially that sly grin. Was she trying something? Probably not..

I played with Lizs hair a little and closed my eyes again. A little after 4 minutes I eventually managed to get some rest.


A heavy weight woke me up from my deep slumber. It was Lilly. She was laying on my chest. Liz was nowhere to be seen tho.

Liz and not being fast asleep? That was so off. I reached for my phone and figured it was already after 10.

I slowly and carefully sat up with Lilly in my lap and caressed over her cheeks. „Lilly, sweetie. Wake up."
She opened her big bright blue eyes and looked at me with a really tired expression.

She is so cute. Lilly smiled at me and hugged me. ,,So you're finally awake." Liz walked through the door. ,,That's normally my line, Ms. Why are you awake at this time?" ,,I was making breakfast for us."

,,Us meaning Leo and you?" I asked ironically but Liz nodded. ,,Don't worry I made sum for you as well." she grinned and I rolled my eyes.

,,Why was Lilly on me?" Liz walked over to me and took Lilly. „Because she was asleep like you so we figured we would just put her to you." ,,Something is off." I stated and Liz looked confused at me.

„What should be off?" She giggled kind of nervous. Suspicious. „Mhm okay. I don't know. You're really not yourself since Leo is here." ,,What exactly do you mean?"

„You give me kisses, you hug me voluntarily." I replied and her fave heated up a bit. ,,Uhm..well..I just wanted to be nice." She lied. I could tell she did. That made me mad and curious why she did.

,,Okay." I answered and got up to finally take a shower and dress myself. „Taking a shower?" Liz asked before she left the room. „Yeah. See you in a bit." ,,Okay!"

With that, I grabbed a hoodie, some comfy pants and underwear for myself and went to the shower.
But what I saw there made me speechless.

In one drawer there was a photo of Liz and Leo. It wasn't that old. Probably only two or three years ago. Liz looked so happy back then..she never or rarely looks that happy when I see her.

It kinda broke my heart, seeing her happy with Leo.
I put the picture back where it was and finally stepped into the shower. 

The hot water hit my body and drizzled down on the floor. It washed away a few of my worries but I still couldn't keep my head off from the thought that Liz was way more happier than she is with me.

Thoughts and even more thoughts filled my head. What if Liz is so sweet because Leo is back? Why does Leo mean that much to Liz?

I washed my hair and body while thinking about everything. After I stepped out of the shower and dried myself, I heard laughter from outside.

They must have a lot of fun..
I changed into the clothes I picked out earlier and went into the living room with a towel wrapped around my hair.

,,Morning Amanda!" Leo greeted and Liz came up to me. ,,Hey baby." She smiled and kissed me. ,,Morning." I replied and returned Liz's smile.

,,Sit down and eat, love. I made your favorite." Okay I was extremely confused at that point. But I just went along with it. ,,Thank you baby."

I sat down and Liz brought me a plate with heart shaped pancakes covered in maple Sirup and a few strawberries at the side. ,,Liz You.."

,,Yea. Thank me later." ,,Come here." Liz did. as I told her and I gently kissed her forehead. ,,You don't have a fever. Why are you so nice?"

,,I'm just in a good mood." ,,Mhm." I dropped it and just started eating. Liz and Leo were still on the table and fed Lilly.

Liz's smile was so bright..I felt so misplaced in that situation. After I finished about half of my pancakes, I laid down the fork.

,,That was delicious. Thank you." But Liz didn't even hear. She was to busy with Leo and Lilly. In that moment I felt hot liquid fill the corner of my eyes.

I got up quickly and excused myself before I went into the bathroom where I collapsed and started crying.


What's with Leo? And why is Liz so happy?
Guess you'll have to find out in the next chapter ;)

Anywho I hope y'all enjoyed it.
See you hopefully tmr. Coz imma write a lot tonight.

Bæ lovelies! <3

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