Do you?

920 39 3

The song has nothing to do with anything. I just like it..

3rd person

Only a week after the confession, Liz was allowed to go home again. Her condition was much better and she basically could do anything without problems.

Still, she had to keep it slow and don't exaggerate anything. Amanda was there to help and support Liz with everything.

Liz moved to Amanda after a few days and stayed there the whole time. Since her brother was back home from the army, she decided to entrust him, her room.

She was felicitous to live with her girlfriend. And so was Amanda. And she made sure that Liz would want to stay with her.


„Amy?" Liz nuzzled her head in the crook of Amanda's neck and pulled the blanket more over her shoulders.

„What is it baby?" Amanda smiled and turned to lay her arms around her loved one. A genuine smile was plastered on her face.

„I want popcorn." Liz had a grin on her face. She knew that Amanda would definitely not make her popcorn at 8 in the morning.

„Lizzy..look at the Time." Amanda only answered and motioned with her head to the black clock over the doorframe.

„But..I want popcorn.." Liz whined and made puppy dog eyes, knowing that Amanda can't resist them.

„No popcorn for little Lizzy before 5pm!" As soon as Amanda said that, she let go of Liz and turned back around to turn the pancakes.

Liz sighed heavy and sat down at the table. „I suggest you put away the blanket." Amanda said cheekily without turning.

She took out some plates and set down the pancakes on them. „But I'm cold." „Dont pretend. I know you just wanna hide the fact that you stole my hoodie again."

Amanda turned around and placed the plates on the table. She also got out the cups and poured in some fresh made orange juice.

„Noo..." Liz refused to admit and pouted. „I'm cold, nothing more." „Hmm, sure babycakes." Amanda rolled her eyes and sat down across from Liz.

Liz blushed slightly at being called babycakes. She loved that name. „So uhm..How am I suppose to eat when I have this blanket which prevents me from doing so?"

Liz smirked. Yeah..she wanted to be fed. ,,I won't feed you miss." Amanda retorted to Liz's initiation.
,,But Amyyy!!" Once again, Liz whined and pouted.

,,No. Just get the blanket off you and eat. I already know you have my hoodie. Just eat love." Amanda caresses over Liz's cheek a bit and smiled gently.

Liz sniffed and out the blanket down with a huge pout. She then grabbed the fork and started eating without a word.

,,Liz don't pout." Amanda commented on lizs silence. ,, look cute in that hoodie." And at that, Lizs head shot up and smiled at her girlfriend.

,,You think so?" She asked teasingly. ,,Yeah.." Amanda got up and leaned a little bit over to kiss Liz on her soft lips.

They continued eating and a few random conversations arose. A variety of topics to talk about.

,,So wanted popcorn right?" Amanda asked and looked at her girlfriend. ,,Yeah? Why?" Los answered with a question and the tilting of her head.

,,Would you mind go on a first date with me? We are dating for over a week now, but we haven't been on a date yet."

Amanda's voice trembled a bit, implying her shyness to ask that. Liz nodded instantly. ,,I would love to!"she cheered and a big smile creeped on her face.

Amanda's eyes widened and she also smiled softly.
,,What were you thinking? Like..where do you want to go?"

Liz knew, when it's about popcorn it could only be the theatre, but she wanted assurance. No one ever know what Amanda can plan in her head.

,,Well that's a surprise!" Liz rolled her eyes. ,,Come On baby, tell me." She stood up and walked over to sat herself down on Amanda's lap.

Amanda laid her hands on lizs waist and Liz's arms found their place around Amanda's neck. ,,No I won't tell you."

,,Whyyy?" Amanda placed one hand under Lizs chin and hold her head in place. ,,Because that would ruin the surprise I have for you. Just be my good girl and have patience."

And with that Amanda kissed Liz to shut her up. Liz was startled and stopped asking after that kiss.
Both got up and Amanda cleaned the dishes.

,,Can you at least tell me what to wear and when will we go?" ,,Wear something comfortable but still sexy." Amanda smirked and licked her teeth.

Liz nodded. ,,And we will head out at 5pm." Amanda walked over to Liz, kissed her and made her way into the living room.

Liz followed her and flopped herself down next to Amanda. The tv was switched on and of course Haikyu was playing. Liz was obsessed with Oikawa and Amanda knew it.

It was cute when Liz fangirled over him. And she always enjoyed how Liz would squeal at her 'boyfriend' as she liked to call him.

Time passed by and without them knowing, it was 4 in the afternoon. Amanda looked on her phone and stood up frequently.

,,It's time to get ready love. I will take a shower." Liz nodded and Amanda headed to the bathroom.

But little did she know that Liz followed her and waited until she heard the water hitting the floor.


K so notice that I don't have that much motivation. Still I just wanted to update again so y'all can read smth.
And yeah..cliffhanger lol. Sorry not sorry.
There will be a little bit smutty stuff in the next chapter btw.

But with Halloween coming around I have to finish smth else. 👏🏻❤️
Anyways hope you liked that chapter and maybe leave a vote and comment.

See y'all in the next chapter 💖

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