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Liz's POV

I pulled myself very close to Amanda while we slept. I just wanted to feel her near me.

A very quite ,,I love you." left my lips as I was sure that she was fast asleep. I had feelings for quite a while but I'm way too scared to tell her the truth.

So I said it when I knew she would not listen nor understand it. I then finally drifted off into my dream land.

Even in my dreams the hospital haunted me.


I was running. Running down the long corridors of the hospital. There was no end. The corridors just continued and I did not know where I am anymore.

I was running so fast that I left hundred of doors behind me in only a few seconds. My legs felt weak and slowly turned numb.

I needed a break but when I stop, they would catch me.
The mans who would operate me would catch me and bring me back to the hell and to my death.

So I never stopped and forced my legs to continue running. I soon reached a door. A giant one. It was two times bigger than me.

I tried to reach the knob and opened it. A bright light shone into the halls behind me and I closed my eyes slightly, trying to see anything.

I made my way inside and the door fell close with a loud bang. I turned and the door was gone all of the sudden.

All that was left was a small light at the other side. My feet started to walk on their own, following the light.

It seemed unreachable. So far away still so close. I walked further and further, never stopping and soon approached the tiny little light.

It looked like a tiny light bulb. I reached up and touched it only lightly. It switched off as soon as my finger touched it and everything was laid in a dark shadow.

I felt trapped once again and turned around multiple times, trying to find any sign of an exit. Nothing was seen.

Not even a light anymore. Then it felt like I was falling. Falling into the void. A cold embrace me and I shivered visibly.

My whole body felt weird and it soon started to hurt.
A touch on my shoulder and another only slightly over my waist.

I turned and spotted a woman. A tall woman. I was laid down and could feel something cold beneath me.

A tender voice. I heard someone call out for me. My name rang through the darkness a few times. It got clearer with any time.

I tried to open my eyes. A light hitting my eyes.

~Dream End~

I woke up. Amanda called my name. ,,Liz! Is everything okay?" She asked. Amanda sounded worried. But why?

I looked at her, getting use to the bright sunshine that shone through the window. Her hands were placed on the spots I felt touched in my dreams.

,,Yeah..everything is fine." I replied and sat up slowly. Then I realized why she asked me. I was sat on the ground with nothing more then my blanket over my legs. Amanda was next to me.

,,You sure? You squirmed a lot in your sleep and at some point rolled over and fell out of the bed. I thought you hit yourself." Amanda said her voice had a concerned tone.

I nodded and held my head with one hand. ,,I'm fine." With my hands I helped myself up and took the blanket with me, climbing back in bed next to Amanda.

She laid her arms back around me and pulled me close. ,,Let's sleep again." I said and she just nodded, clearly still as tired as I was.

Even tho the sun was up it was still only 6 o'clock and as I knew us we would sleep till 9 or even 10.

I closed my eyes and made sure that I was protected enough from Amanda to not fall again.

She closed her eyes as well and we fell asleep again. This time I had no dreams and I slept peacefully until around 10:13am.

As I opened my eyes I realized Amanda was already up, probably making breakfast. I got up and put on one of my hoodies. Unfortunately not one of Amanda's. 

I stretched a little bit and then went down to meet Amanda in the kitchen, singing along to the lines of one of our both favorite songs.

She danced a little and moved around the pancakes in the pan. I smiled and walked up to her, hugging her from behind.

She jumped just slightly at my surprise hug and turned around, still trapped in my arms. „Morning." She said and I buried my head in her chest.

Amanda patted my head gently and I groaned. „Why are you awakeeee?" I asked and looked up at her. „It's 10:24am you Night demon." she snickered and I just hid again.

„Come on, take a seat and let's just eat." I forcefully parted from Amanda as she shoved me away and sat down.

Amanda got out two plates from the cupboard and placed them together which fresh made orange juice on the table. She then also put the pancakes on a extra plate and placed it down as well for both of us to reach without problems.

I immediately took a few and put them on my plate. The Sirup soon was mine too. I poured it on the pancakes and watched as it slowly ran down the sides.

I licked my lips and started to eat when I saw that Amanda also had hers with some sugar.


Shorter, not spellchecked and not very interesting chapter lol. I will put a little more fluff and drama in the next one but I didn't want to let you guys wait since I won't write three days in a row now. I have someone very special who is visiting me and well my attention will be completely by them. So yeah hope you enjoyed and see y'all in the next chapter <3

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