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I'm so glad that I can still write and do everything with my phone. So uhm next update.

Also I hate that I wasn't raised English...I just..ugh. It's so hard to write and make it good and be as good as the others..ughhhhh..anywho.

What even is this chapter?!

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Amanda's POV *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

After I got back home, I received a text message from Liz that Leo was still at her place and worried sick about her.

We will show her that she doesn't have to worry about Liz. I parked the car and got inside to A.J. and Darren.

,,Amanda!" A.J. ran up to me and hugged me tightly. I awkwardly hugged him back and exchanged looks with Darren.

,,Where were you?" He asked in a relieved tone. Liz must have told him..
I was in a forest on a bench.

,,Why?" Darren asked, interfering into the conversation. ,,I saw Liz and Leo cuddle, but it is fine. We talked. Anyways. I need you guys to go upstairs."

,,Why's that?" ,,Jason, Leo's ex-boyfriend comes over. We have to know the truth." Darren nodded. ,,Anything for you to get your girl." A little giggle escaped and he stood up.

,,When will he get here?" I shrugged my shoulders. ,,K then. Just call us down when he's gone." A.J. and Darren left with a wave and headed upstairs.

I made my way into the kitchen to grab a glass of cold water to refresh myself only a little. After that I moved to the couch.

Insta and TikTok were my distraction until the door bell finally rang. That must be him. With quick steps, I walked to the from door and opened it to met Jason's dark green eyes.

He's taller than I thought.. ,,Uhm..you must be Jason?" I questioned and got a nod in return. ,,That's right. Uhm you're who?" ,,Oh right. I'm Amanda. Liz called your earlier."

,,Yea. But where is she? And where is Lilly?" ,,Jason listen to me okay? Liz is distraction Leo. Lilly is with her as well. And I need you to answer me a few things about Leo."

,,But Lilly is save?" Jason was panicking. ,,Yes, trust me, she is!" I smiled and touched his shoulder mildly. It caused him to jump. ,,Oh sorry."

I finally stepped aside then. ,,Please come in and sit down." Jason followed me into the living room, after I closed the door, and we sat down on the couch.

My eyes scanned him and I discovered several bruises and scars on his arms and neck. ,,So what do you want to know?" His deep voice brought me back and I met eyes with him.

,,About Leo..did she hurt you?" My voice broke slightly to the end, imagining it. Jason nodded slowly but surely. ,,She did..she hurt me, hurt Lilly..she didn't want me to leave her."

,,Is Lilly her daughter?" I wasn't sure about that because Lilly looked nothing like Leo. And Jason assured me that Leo was in fact not Lilly's biological mother.

,,Why did you broke up?" ,,She was overly possessive and kept me inside for day's because I talked with a lady..it was the waitress that brought us our dinner. I wasn't allowed to do anything."

I continued my talk with Jason and found out some interesting things. I wonder how Liz is doing..

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Liz's POV *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Leo and I were talking about Amanda again. She couldn't stop hating on her. And I knew exactly why.

,,Liz are you even listening..?" She asked a little sad. I returned my attention to her instead of the tv that was playing in the background.

,,Of course! You just told me that I should leave Amanda after that action she pulled off." Leo nodded. ,,Exactly. She's not right for you! I mean she gets jealous way to easily. And I'm definitely prettier than her."

I cut Leo off. ,,In my opinion, Amanda is the most perfect girl that exists. Stop talking like that Leo!" My voice raised and I stared blankly at her.

,,Sorry. I'm just saying, I-." ,,Leo. There is no you. It's Amanda and I. We're engaged and I would do anything for her."

At the end of that sentence Leo was on top of me. She stared into my eyes with dead silence. ,,Get off me." I demanded, but all she did was kiss me.

Her lips placed on mine and I felt disgusting in just a mere second. I tried pushing her off but Leo kept on pressing her lips hard on mine.

Luckily, in that exact same moment someone knocked on the door. I knew it was rather Jason or Amanda, probably both.

Finally able to push Leo off me, I walked - almost ran - to the door and opened it.

Thank god! ,,Amanda baby!" I pulled Amanda into a hug and kissed her. ,,Liz, are you okay?" Amanda asked and I nodded in response.

Jason was right behind Amanda and stepped forward. ,,Liz. Thanks for calling me!" At the sound of Jason's voice, Lilly jumped up. ,,Daddy!" She yelled and ran into his arms.

,,Little butterfly! I'm so happy to see you!" Leo followed Lilly and as soon as she saw Jason, she tensed. Her breath hitched and her eyes widened.

,,Jason what are you doing here..?" Leo's voice trembled and she took a few steps back. ,,Liz called me. You have some explaining to do!"

Amanda and Jason walked in and Amanda came next to me while Jason walked closer to Leo. ,,Liz..he wants to hurt me.." I was so sick of her lies.

,,Then I allow him to do so. You should better give up and tell us the truth!" Amanda suddenly stated in a very serious tone.

Leo backed away but soon hit the wall. ,,The truth is that you're mean and hurt me!" ,,Liz please take Lilly." Jason handed me Lilly and walked closer to Leo.

She had no chance to escape and so she did what I expected from her.
Leo slapped Jason and her expression changed from frightened to aggressive in just a single second.


Oof..so i think..that it's gonna be like 3-5 chapters more..and expect smut!
Also cliffhanger kinda lol. Coz I can.

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