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Months Later...

"I can't believe Lindsey is selling the Say You Will house," Stevie rested her chin in her palm as she pouted about it.

"This was a major thing, Stevie," her assistant brought up. "Getting rid of the memories is probably what he'd rather do..."

"But I don't get it---that's not a Lindsey thing to do, believe me, I would know," she sat up again to chat.

"Very true," she nodded in agreement since she was aware of the two's relationship.

When other people weren't aware, Karen was. She had known everything about the two and their relationship and though she tried not to get involved, she had no choice but to, especially when her boss asked her.

"I should see what's going on, he cannot sell that house, I just won't allow it," she let her hands fall on the table.

"Stevie, he's a grown man and he can do what he pleases," she kind of smiled only because her boss, so quickly wanted to tell him what to do as if he were her child.

"But not this," she whined. "He owes it to me."

"You got him fired..." she said with a hint of sympathy for Lindsey.

"He may not be in this band anymore because of me, but other things went on that were his fault. He got himself fired," she stated, pausing right after. "I'm such a bitch---I need to buy the house," she recounted what she had said.

"What do you want me to do?" her assistant asked.

"Have my realtor call up Lindsey or Kristen I don't care. I'll be an anonymous buyer, that'll all be set up later. When I can, I'll get out there and I will take over. I just can't see that house go to waste. He spent so much time building it for his family and we have a lot of memories there as well," she explained.

"Yeah, I know..." she stood up, pushing her chair in, she leaned forward to hand over Stevie's dog, Lily. "Get ready for rehearsal and I'll take you. Once you guys are done, I should have some news on the house."

"Great, thank you---" she gave a content grin as she sipped her coffee and settled her dog to sit on the table.

Once her assistant left, Stevie remained at the small table she was sitting at in her hotel room. Sitting there, she easily spaced off and thought about playing with the band, Lindsey and what could possibly have been going through his mind to want to sell the house.

She had known Lindsey to be a man to hold on to things even if he did make fun of her for hoarding everything. But he was a man of morals and family and the memories, he'd want glued to him. And though she knew that, she wanted something else to blame him for but deep down she felt like it was all his wife.

She was never too fond of Kristen and so much had happened in the late '90s that would have put them together but then Kristen ended up pregnant and then a couple years later, again. Stevie just made a choice and she was done; upset about the fact that they wouldn't be together, but okay with it. Later on down the line when they went in to make Say You Will---in reality, a real Buckingham-Nicks album considering Christine was not making music with them. So many things were said: arguments about music, words about their relationship; genuine and questionable and of course it was what ended in leading them to start their affair.

But in 2014-2015, the On With The Show tour took place and during that time things were intense only because they were starting to separate and they were getting tired of trying to hide. Too many people could see that there was something more going on and they never doubted that Kristen knew about it. But to save them from further issues, Stevie broke it off and he was angry, but that was also at the very end when the tour ended and Stevie went on to doing 24 Karat Gold and the following year in 2017, Lindsey and Christine did Buckingham-McVie, the following year the MusiCares came up and then everything went down hill.

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