22. Questions

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It was now mid June and Stevie was back on the road with her band mates again.

In the month of April, there was already a planned break which is where the New Orleans Jazz Fest would have fit perfectly, though in that time it was more or less a recuperating game for Stevie since she had been sick.

After being released from the hospital, Lindsey was in and out of her house; between taking care of her and his kids. But luckily, he managed to be there for her when she was leaving for her tour which started in the beginning of June. As for the tour, they would be moving at a slower pace for the sake of Stevie, though they would still be bouncing around as they always did.

And as the month had flown by, she was keeping pretty strong communication with Lindsey while feeding Christine the insight she wanted.


"So, what do we have to look forward to when we get home?" Christine pulled her friend in as they walked toward the jet that would be taking them home.

"We?" she smirked in question.

"Well, you can't leave me hanging... What are your plans with Lindsey? Getting married?"

"Yeah, no," she kind of laughed. "Not that it's an awful idea; I just don't value marriage as much as him."

"Stevie, you're an officiate..." Christine had to mention.

"I mean, I value it---it can be a beautiful thing. I just don't think it's for me---but obviously I would if he asked me. But I don't think he plans to just because I don't dig it as much. And besides that, he's still gotta divorce Kristen."

"You mean, he hasn't?" she asked. "Thought you said they were..."

"It's the plan," she nodded. "But we're not in a huge rush and he told Kristen to take her time, which I agree with for the kids' sakes."

Christine curled her lips to the side as she trailed behind Stevie, climbing up the jet's stairs.

Karen soon handed Lily over to her boss and they got comfy on one of the chairs with their blankets and coffee.

"I don't get why you're taking your time. No offense, but we're not getting any younger," the tall blonde proceeded to ponder as she plopped in her seat.

Stevie had to laugh a little since she knew it was true, even if she didn't feel like an old lady. Petting her dog, "I mean, we own it all---Kristen and Lindsey are on good terms, which is wonderful," she shrugged. "They haven't really broken anything to Stella yet but Will and Leelee know and since they are older, they do understand."

"Yeah, right---we all understand. But why wait?"

"Like I said, no rush---" she shrugged. "The truth here is that we are still mending things. What's your rush?" she laughed a little bit.

"Well, I have a theory, honestly."

"Care to share?" she asked, examining her dog as she normally did.

"I think before you tell the band you should make it official."

"Why?" she shrugged. "You think the boys are going to try and talk me out of it or something?"

"Mick... I dunno. Like you've said, we did a lot, great measures and what if they decide your crazy?"

"We've established that a long time ago, honey---" Stevie waved it off.

"I'm saying as far as you and Lindsey go..." she paused. "If you're already together, then Mike or Neil won't feel weird... Mick is gonna be irritated. Johnny'll be happy but I bet Mick will lecture you because in his head, he thinks he can talk you out of things."

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