12. Breathing

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The next few days would roll around like nothing.

Stevie had come home as she had reported to Lindsey in a message, but while being in town, she didn't have it in her system to stop by only because she wasn't feeling fabulous.

Since being in New York, she had gotten a head cold and then it turned a little deeper since she had a cough to go with it and that was really the biggest thing; it was becoming hard to breath.

You feeling any better? he texted, day after day.

I think worse, actually ~ I should go to the hospital, but Karen is taking me to the doctor today, she replied.

In the last few days, all they did was text and if Stevie didn't reply it was because she was sick and mostly sleeping as she found it hard to breath at times as well. And over the course of the days she was already cancelling things. Even the Jazz Fest wasn't looking too promising as of now, though she did keep in touch with her band mates to let them know what was going on.

Should I come over? Lindsey then asked.

I don't want you to catch whatever it is I have ~ you're still healing, she assured. I'll just have Karen take me and then I'll let you know.

You're right but I'd rather be there and chance it. You were here for me, why shouldn't I be for you?

Smirking to herself, she let off a small cough and started typing. You're very kind, as always, but I don't think you should worry about it. I've been through worse.

Really? he actually leered.

Almost ODing, almost having a brain hemorrhage, molting in the hospital for months because of the tranquilizers, exploded implant in my chest which caused that BII or whatever... I'm sure I can think of other things, shall I go on?

No, I get it. You're a tough cookie, he sent a thumbs up along with his message.

I'm glad you disagreed because I'm too wiped out to think, she admitted. Karen should be on her way soon, I hope.

That's good, at least he'll diagnose something maybe. You think you're alright? I mean... he sent the trailed message, knowing she'd finish for him.

I feel like I'm fine ~ maybe being dramatic. But I'm not sure.

Well, let me know what happens... he sent. I just worry about you. You have an awful lifestyle.

Gee, thanks ~ you have the same one, smart ass.

But mine has limits since I do have kids, he kind of laughed only because he could practically hear her sarcasm. I'm just saying.

I know, she agreed. I'm being run kind of ragged over here. Mike, Niel and Mick have like a whole trio-troop thing going and they wanna party hard. John and me just wanna sit down. Even the girls spend their time with the boys, it's crazy.

He chuckled, actually really able to see her and John going to their rooms to sleep off the partying that the other group of men and women were doing. You haven't been partying hard?


You're so lying, you know you are.

I mean, I've definitely tried a couple times, but I seriously rather sleep. We've had some really good times at the parties and you know we drink and what not, but it's just not the old days, dude.

Chuckling, Would you be able to party with me?

Well, you're pretty subdued ~ but you're talking a conjugal party, she smirked, already knowing it.

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