14. Brief Explanation

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Walking through the door, Lindsey had his children on his trail. And he went his own way, stopping in the process. "Hey, guys---follow me," he gestured as he led the way to his studio once again.

Kristen nor Stella were home quite yet and that made it easier for Lindsey to search his thoughts that were attacking him.

Leelee and William made light eye contact with one another before shrugging it off and just obeying.

Allowing his sister in first, "What's up, dad?" William asked.

"Just sit down, I wanna kinda share something..." he assured on the hesitant side.

"Okay..." Leelee mumbled to herself, taking residency on one side of the suede sofa.

William did the same, only on the other side, inches from his sister. He, however, kind of let off a breath of air as he watched his father put a record on the turntable.

Leelee once again turned to make eye contact with her brother, only this time he shrugged a bit. "Dad, what's going on?" she asked, more curious than anything since he was, in fact, so quiet.

He turned and sat down in his swivel chair. Rubbing his hands together, "I just wanna chat a minute... Um, how do you guys feel about everything that has gone on---your honest opinions?" he was sure to add.

"Well, you know my feelings," Leelee shrugged a bit. "Mixed; sad and angry..."

"And with what you know; how about now?" he asked, taking in his son staring, through his peripherals.

"You told me, I shouldn't be mixed since you and Stevie are friends again... I guess I'm learning to get used to the old times again," she shrugged, glancing at her brother---hoping he had more to say.

Lindsey kind of nodded and then looked to his son. "And you?"

"Um..." he let his hands hit his thighs lightly. "Same here, I guess... But to be honest, I saw it more as less stress---no more fighting or long, extensive tours..." he trailed, letting off a shrug and glancing at his sister.

Lindsey pursed his lips, kind of nodding his head.

"Why... Why do you ask, dad?" Leelee chimed in once more.

They had gone from having a pleasant dinner to their dad all of the sudden questioning them as a unit; the low music making the scene a little creepy, to say the least, since their father was so quiet.

Lindsey stayed quiet, taking in his own spaced thoughts, unsure if this was a fabulous idea.

"Dad?" Leelee asked, concerned with how spaced he became.

"What?" he kind of popped up to reply. "What were we talking about?" he asked.

Soon, the song on the record changed and he as caught off guard by hearing Stevie's raspy yet sweet vocals on "Dreams."

"Right," he kind of chuckled, steering back to his original plan. "You know that, Stevie and I... we have a long history and we've always been friends?" he asked.

William nodded his head, though he stayed quiet.

"Mhmm," Leelee gave a subtle nod.

"Alright and you know that we were together at once---long, long time ago?"

"Yeah, of course---everybody does," Leelee shrugged her shoulders.

William continued to stay quiet---his hand sliding up the side of his head so he could rest his head in his palm. And meanwhile, he kind of pursed his lips as he took in his father avidly---gathering the fallout of his father's rambling.

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