28. Restricted

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"What happened?" Karen asked with sympathy pouring out for her boss.

It had been hours since they boarded for take off, but Karen knew her boss needed the quiet to recount everything in the hours prior of them leaving. But at some point, she would need to know what was going on to either be of help or handle the situation overall.

Turning her head to look back briefly, "I left. Didn't even explain anything," kissing her dog, wanting affection from her.

Even though Stevie had always had dogs, Lily was special---as all her animals were, but not only was this dog a companion, she seemed to be an emotional support dog as well. She always put her mom in a better mood while she always felt the need to console. The passed year had been the toughest ride in a long while and Lily had been there to fix the problem somehow. Especially when Stevie was missing Lindsey and, or Tom. And even though nobody was sure of Lindsey's current reaction, not even Stevie---Lily was filling the void, all the sadness that was created from fear.

"You just walked away?" her assistant creased her brow, still showing empathy.

"I had to," she kind of shook her head, cradling her dog. "I couldn't be there any longer than I was... I could've done things more in detail and, or different, but..." she shook her head. "It's just not how it happened."

"Was he mad?"

"I don't know---he looked more confused. I hate that I didn't get to explain myself---I should have," she kind of rubbed at her forehead. "But you were right... It's over with and either way, he would have had the same sort of reaction."

Karen kind of nodded to herself, curling her lips to the side because once again, she didn't know what to do.

Normally in a situation, Karen was on top of her game and she knew how to handle business, but it was extremely difficult when her boss was emotional over Lindsey. Having worked for Stevie since 1991, she knew all sides and there were a hefty amount of tears shed in the late '90s over Lindsey and even then, she didn't totally know what to do. She never really thought as an assistant she would be so involved in her boss' emotional situations, but she was and she had to be empathetic even if she was telling her boss she was wrong. And in her time working for Stevie Nicks, she could easily say, no man had ever had a bigger effect on her boss than Lindsey Buckingham and there had been a few flings in the past.


When Stevie and Karen arrived to Australia, the blonde had gone straight to her room with her assistant's help, though right after all she did was lie in bed, quite frankly. But by evening when everybody else was coming, she didn't really have the desire to join. She wanted to be left in her own sadness only because Lindsey never texted her or called her---she feared his reaction even if it was over a house.

"Do you need anything, boss?" Karen shifted her weight to one side as she watched the woman she took care of. "Everybody is gonna have dinner in a little while---do you wanna go?"

"No, I don't---" she shook her head, sitting up. "I'll just eat in," she added.

"Do you know what you want?" she asked.

"I don't really care---just nothing heavy. I plan on just going to bed after."

"Alrighty," Karen sighed more to herself than anything and made her way so she could handle the task and leave her boss in peace.

After Karen left, Stevie pulled Lily on to her lap and she started to pet her and cradle her. "What do you think's gonna happen, sweet baby?" She then placed multiple kisses on her head.

Lily turned around and got on her back legs so that she could lick Stevie's face.

Chuckling, she kind of wiped her chin and lips and she settled the dog to lay down on her lap once again.

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