13. Finding Out

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Going over some last things in the song, William; his oldest child was lingering behind his sister without her knowledge and while Lindsey was coaching her intently.

At the end of the song, William placed his hands on her shoulders and squeezed them firmly, but quickly moved after.

She almost let off a scream, but mostly an intense gasp while she jumped up. "Asshole!" she shoved him.

Lindsey kind of chuckled as he set his guitar down.

"Was that good?" Leelee then asked her dad.

"It was, I think so," he stood up. "Y'know, despite that breathing thing, but whatever," he teased.

She rolled her eyes and turned toward her brother.

"I think it was great---but I'm starved, so let's go," he bumped fists with his dad before guiding them both out.

On their journey through the house and to Lindsey's car, they discussed where they were wanting to go.


Pulling to a not too shabby, though not too fancy of a restaurant---the trio headed inside.

Lindsey slid into one side of a booth while his kids did the same on the other side. "So, how are things, son?" he asked him. "Or how's Emily?" he asked a multitude of things normally only because he knew he was going to get a few words and maybe one whole answer.

"Pretty good, she's fine. Classes a great," he gave a thumbs up, adding sarcastically.

"I bet," Lindsey actually chuckled. "And how many of those classes do you attend?"

"All of them," he assured. "My headspace just doesn't always make it there," he smirked.

"Especially when you're stoned," Leelee had to add as she messed with her phone, texting a few people at once including her boyfriend.

William nudged his sister. "Who ya texting?" he then looked over her shoulder to see her thread. "Awe, I bet he loves you too."

"Oh, my God, you're so annoying," she shoved him.

Lindsey just watched, laughing at how easily his daughter started to blush from being called out, by the simple thing.

He loved that his daughter was very smart about her choices with boys and what he didn't know, he was happy about it. He loved that she was a risk taker and that she was happy, even if that happiness came from a guy he didn't know everything about.

"Know what's gonna really suck?" her brother asked.

She cocked her head a tad.

"Having lunch with mom next week," he assured.

"Oh, yeah," she scrunched her nose and pursed her lips.

"Why does that suck?" their father chimed, curiosity eating at him.

"When mom wants to get together, she always invites the girlfriend, the boyfriends, friends... She wants to be in the know of everything we do," William explained. "I get it, she loves us and she wants to be friends, but it's weird especially if we bring our friends."

Lindsey pursed his lips, not totally sure what to say only because his son's last sentence covered it. "Well, she does love you and that really is just your mother's personality," he shrugged a bit.

Leelee nodded, understanding him from one of their past conversations even about Kristen not approving his relationship with Stevie.

"Just accommodate, guys. I promise, it'll get you a little ahead," Lindsey added.

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