4. Sold

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Sitting on the floor, Stevie had her back to the bottom of the couch, just at his side if she needed to tend to him and for the time being; after she fed him and got him everything he wanted.

Once she got him settled, she started taking care of him like when they were young; he suffered from mononucleosis and he couldn't move for weeks. And in that time, she just watched him sleep, his very subtle snores filling the air and suddenly she felt she was taken back and she was in the early '70s, making sure he was content and happy.

Letting off a small sigh, she bit her bottom lip, wishing she did have her journal with her only because there was so much she could create from the stillness of the room.

She was in his house... His new house and it didn't necessarily come to her as a shock, but it was happening while others around them were in the midst of their chaos, probably thinking of ways to make sure they didn't see one another or happen to bump into each other while she was in his house, catering to him and caring for him.

Pretty soon, there was a light knock on the door.

Stevie kind of froze and then managed to look back at Lindsey to see if he heard it. "Mm..." she kind of lingered and thought about opening it. Pushing herself up from the ground, she trailed over, trying to be sure her shoes wouldn't make any type of noise and wake him. She took a little breath, hoping it wouldn't be anybody she knew and she opened it.

"Ah, opening doors now," Karen winked at her, her arms crossed comfortably. "You settled in well, I see..."

"He's sleeping," she leered. "Anyway," she pulled the door shut a bit. "What's up? Is something wrong?" she asked, wanting to know because she had been there for a couple hours already.

"No, but I didn't know if I should keep waiting for you," she handed Stevie her phone. "Just keep in touch because, I have a couple things to do before you head back on the road," she added.

"Okay," she pulled it in to her grasp and slid it in her jacket pocket. "Thank you," she said nicely.

"No problem," she nodded. "But uh, since I got you... What's going on?" she kind of lingered gently.

"Well, I'm pissed to be perfectly honest. Kristen left him here by himself and he shouldn't be up and he was. So, I'm here and I wanna make sure that he's okay," she shrugged. "I feel awful and I wanna stay for him."

"Okay, boss," Karen nodded. "Give me a call or text me when you need me to get you. I'll have a car come and get you, or I will."

She nodded. "Thank you."

"See ya," Karen then waved and made the short journey back to her car.

Coming back inside the house, she shut the front door and locked it.

"Important things you're missing out on?" Lindsey whispered, sitting up from the couch to just sit.

She neared to help him so he wouldn't strain. "I'm sure I have things, I could be doing, but I'd rather be here with you," she sat next to him, placing one hand to his knee and one on his arm. "Anything I have to do, it's not more important than this."

"Well, I appreciate it," he gave a small grin, his voice still quiet.

He honestly didn't know what really to say to all of this; her actions, putting him first and taking care of him.

"You know...?" he lingered, pausing---not so sure he wanted to share this.

They were in a place in time where he felt he could share and she wasn't going to use it against him, but still he felt like he couldn't trust her in a weird way. She was just back so suddenly and deep down, part of him believed that she wouldn't come, even after finding this out.

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