7. Outnumbered

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"Touch base with me?" Stevie asked as she headed for the foyer.

"Definitely," he nodded, kissing her cheek before letting her open the front door.

As they held their light conversation, Karen was on her way and much to their surprise, Kristen was pulling up.

"Are you joking?" she hissed at the sight of the other blonde woman in her house.

Leelee and Stella turned their heads both of them kind of shocked to see Stevie.

"Aunt Stevie!" Stella beamed, ready to run over.

"Stella," Kristen kind of complained which ultimately made the girl stop.

Leelee followed her younger sister, though she kept a slow pace unsure of what to do with herself.

She was going to treat Stevie accordingly to how her father would. Even though it wasn't the best manner to have in the world, she always wanted to defend her father and if she was there with good reason, she would treat her fair.

"Hey, pretty girls---" Stevie let her hand fall into the younger girl's light brown strands with a gentle smile. "I was just gonna leave," she assured, kind of pecking cheeks with Leelee. "You've gotten so gorgeous," she complimented.

Leelee kind of smiled, seeing that the two seemed to be on good terms and she hugged Stevie in return.

Lindsey stayed silent, not wanting to interrupt anybody's thoughts. He let Stevie continue on her way out while the girls made their way in.

"I'll see you ladies," Stevie waved before stepping off the porch stairs and meeting Kristen. "Afternoon," she greeted bluntly.

"What happened to you staying gone?" Kristen easily responded.

"What happened to you having an answer for me?" she whispered. "I'm not gonna argue with you in front of your children. It isn't right," she gave a content grin. "I hope you have a good rest of the day---my ride is here," she winked before moving passed the woman. Getting into the front seat of the black SUV, she told Karen to just drive off.

Kristen then ventured back into the house, her glaring eyes shooting daggers at Lindsey. "You're unbelievable," she let her hands fall to her sides.

"Keep your voice down," he whispered, though it was stern as he gave an eye roll.

"Another woman, who is not your wife, comes into our home and you have the nerve to tell me to keep my voice down?" she replied, crossing her arms. "Our children just seen her and it has been months, Lindsey."

"And your point is what, hm?" he rose his brows. "They miss their aunt Stevie---what can I say? And what can I say about a woman who is not my wife? She loves me more than you ever have."

"Right? You're gonna kiss ass until she lets you back in, you have fun with that."

"I will. At least she supports me and what I do."

"And I don't?" she turned around.

"No, not at all," he shook his head. "One show, Kristen. That's all you went to. And after you saw the one show, you went home and you bought a house without my consent," he stated, breaking it down for her.

"Lindsey, it was a short tour and I'm busy," she assured.

"Doing what, riding horses? Because, that seems like a real job," he rolled his eyes.

"At least I don't coop myself up and seclude myself from everybody in the world. One call from Stevie and all of the sudden, you're a family man again."

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