32. The Announcement

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When the following night would arrive, Stevie was in the back---in her dressing room, preparing to get ready for her show with the rest of the band. Lori and Sharon were ready, but they were touching up in Stevie's room with her.

Mick was roaming the hallways with the other men of the band, while Christine was in and out; conversing with them or chatting with Stevie.

"I have never seen you look so nervous before a show," Lori mentioned, placing her hands on the back of her sister in-law's chair.

Lori was technically her ex sister in-law, but for Stevie, sister in-law had always remained the way she titled her or addressed her.

"I'm not---I'm just thinking," Stevie replied, lying through her teeth---thinking that Lindsey was somewhere in the building they were all in.

"What are you thinking about?" the red head asked.

"The crowd," she simply replied---thinking of the much smaller one surrounding them, however. "Where's my Lily? I need my little stress ball," she turned around, looking for her assistant.

"Karen took her out a couple minutes ago," Lori mentioning, setting her hand on the blonde's shoulder. "Calm down... I have never seen you this worked up before a show."

"Well, it's the last show... Guess I wanna make a good impression, that's all."

"I understand, but still, you should relax. You look like you're gonna start hypoventilating."

"Okay, I can't look that bad," she slid out of her chair, letting her high heels hit the cement-like flooring. "Let me walk around and get my mind off everything for a second."

After pacing around the area, Christine came up to her.


"What?" the shorter blonde's head shot up, whipping quite quickly.

"Woah, calm down---what's got your knickers in a twist?" she placed a hand on her shoulder, only to feel her trembling.

"Lindsey is here---I keep thinking about after the show when we finally make the announcement. I don't know why I'm so nervous, I know I shouldn't have to be. Help me."

"Alright, take a deep breath," she added. "Everything's gonna be fine, love. Nothing bad is going to happen."

"I know," she sighed, letting off a heavy breath. She shut her eyes as she exhaled slowly.

Pretty soon, Karen walked in---Lily in her grasp.

"Oh, come here, my sweet baby," Stevie marched over to grab her and pull her close.

"You're gonna get fur all over you," Karen addressed, already pulling a small piece off of her.

"I don't care," she baby talked the dog, cuddling her as best as she could.

"Are you ready, ladies?" Niel asked as he neared the women with Mick on his trail.

"Yeah," Christine nodded and went forward, walking away with Mick.

"I'll be there in a second," Stevie agreed, not wanting to part from her dog in the increment of time.

"Alright," Niel then walked away.

As Stevie got closer to the wing, she met with John and Mike.

"How ya doing, love?" John asked, taking her hand so they could walk up.

"I could be better for this last show," she honestly stated.

"You'll be fine," he kind of chuckled, more or less overlooking the fact that she was, indeed, speaking of Lindsey.

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