16. A New Way

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Sitting up to roll out of bed, Lindsey kind of looked at his messages between himself and Stevie unsure of what to do now that Christine was aware. But frankly, that changed Stevie's thoughts and actions as well.

"Do you have any plans today?" his wife's vocals filled the room subtly.

Barely looking over his shoulder, "Not as of now---you?" he asked.

"I was planning on maybe taking the kids out..." she shrugged. "We have a lunch date next week, but I wanna have some one-on-one time with them..."

"Sounds good," he agreed. "I was merely going to suggest the same... Will told me last night that he wanted that, but I know you don't love my advice," he added.

"Because you're in no position to tell me how I should raise our kids, not when you had an affair and pretended like everything was alright."

"Is this really going to be the first conversation of the day?" he stated calmly.

"How do you and Stevie start your conversations, then?"

"Excuse me?" he scoffed. "I don't know what you're talking about, so please..." he stood up, heading over to the bathroom so he could get his morning started.

"Oh, stop acting like you're so innocent. I know what's going on, once again," she popped out of bed, still across the room as her voice rose in volume.

"And what exactly is it that you know?" he let the door swing open, his voice going as loud as he could take it.

"That you made our kids lie, you lied about last night... You're a genius for not thinking I didn't see a car," she rose a brow. "So where were you, if not locked in your studio?"

"I was at the hospital, visiting a friend, thank you---" he stated, not necessarily lying---though, indeed, covering his messy tracks.

Kristen softened, feeling guilty for assuming even if she didn't know she was right. "I'm sorry..." she paused, swallowing right after.

"Don't be," he shook his head---grabbing his fresh clothes to change and make a quick getaway. Kristen's onto us, she called us out, but she doesn't know she's right, he typed as he headed out of the room.

Scanning over the message, Stevie creased her brow.

"Something the matter?" Christine asked her.

"Um," she looked back at her friend. "Sort of, Lindsey is just never clear..." she paused---trying to understand why his wife would think she was wrong. What?

Left a chunk out, on my way.

Okay... she responded, unsure of what to think. "He's coming over," she assured.

"Well, what did he say?" she asked, coming over to lay in bed with her once again.

"See," she showed her the phone.

"Hm... Think he fooled her?"

"I mean, it wouldn't be the first time. But at the same time, I need to yell at him," she added, shoving Christine to get the IV line out from under her once again.

"Why do you need to yell at him?" she paused. "Why wouldn't you?" she dusted off the comment.

"'Cause I can..." she pursed her lips, chuckling right after. "No, I need to mention something that he probably already has started in a sense."

"Can I stay to watch the show?" she smirked, wanting to learn way more about the relationship.

"If you must, my friend," she shook her head with a light laugh.

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