10. Never Can Sever

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"Love, that was wonderful," Christine mentioned to Stevie as she sat down at the table.

Laughing, "Thank you---I'm exhausted," she assured, hugging her band mates, Sheryl Crow and Vanessa Carlton, since they were also joined by them.

She also got congratulated by Def Leppard, John Taylor and Simon Le Bon from Duran Duran, since their tables were close.

A lot of conversation was actually going on along the tables as they were watching the other performers go on with their speeches. It was quite a night and being there, it was very special.

But of course, from where she was seated she looked over to the other side of the auditorium and tried to find Lindsey, but he was so in the dark of everything that she couldn't find him.

She was really hoping he didn't decide to leave all of the sudden, but she knew he couldn't have---especially after their latest conversation.

To look less guilty, she was sure to look further back and back at the stage and all around her.

"Everything all right, love?" Christine asked her, pressing her hand to her shoulder.

"Yeah, just seeing who else is here. It's a big night, lot more fans than I expected," she stated honestly only because their was almost more fans than there were performers and she expected there to be more of an equal balance.

"Yeah, I know," she also took a glance around. "It's amazing, though," she assured.

"It really is," she added with a smile, clasping her hands together to rest her chin in. But of course, facing forward, her eyes shifted to the left once again and her head craned a tiny bit.

Behind her, Christine looked out and over, trying to see exactly what it was she was trying to see.

She knew her friend had a problem with her vision, but she knew she could see from far away, but maybe because it was dark, there was something certain she was trying to figure out.

When the whole induction ceremony was over, Stevie started heading one way, meeting up with Karen and they shared light conversation, though unbeknownst to them, on their trail, Sheryl and the two men from Duran Duran were following as well.

Stevie pulled Karen close, "I cannot find him---you think he left?" she whispered.

"I'm not sure---I went over there a couple of times and he was there. But I think it's better if he did leave---he won't get seen now that the lights are on. Something like this could go a million ways," she shrugged.

"You're right, I'm just--"

"Stevie," a photographer grapped her attention, causing her to turn around.

"Yeah?" she asked, a smile to her lips, grasping Karen's hand.

"Would it be okay to take a few photos of you?" the man asked.

"Of course," she agreed and came forward, meeting the group that was originally behind her.

Karen stood behind and just watched them along with the fans that were behind a red rope.

Stevie and Sheryl easily got into their pose with John's arm wrapped around their shoulders and his other around Simon.

After a few shots were snapped, she kind of moved down the Hall of Fame backdrop and took pictures with many other people before finally reaching the end of her photoshoot. She was somewhat at the after party, definitely wanting to be there but on her mind, she didn't want to leave Lindsey by himself since he probably wasn't having too much fun in the hotel room. She just felt bad and wanted to be with him.

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