21. Reconciliation

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Lindsey wants to buy his house back. We have to work through this slowly and carefully ~ don't drop any signs, Stevie texted Karen while Lindsey was warming up her soup.

He had been adamant on tending to her since she did the same only a couple months ago.

Does he know you bought it? her assistant replied.

No, he doesn't. But he said he wants to buy it back anonymously. Kristen is trying to find out, for him, who bought it. Please be careful and please call my realtor.

Will do, boss.

"Who are you texting?" Lindsey smirked as he walked in since her fingers were moving pretty fast and she wasn't a fast typist.

"Nobody," she turned her head. "I was going to pull up Leelee's message and then I am answering get well messages," she assured, hitting his daughter's name immediately.

He then sat down on the edge of the couch, putting the bowl of really hot soup on the coffee table.

"Since we have a minute..." she turned the phone for him to see the message.

It read; just wanted to see how u were doing i no my dad said u got pretty sick. when u have time, maybe we can meet up? i have important things to share and i wanna make sure u understand

"Reading it now, I get it, but comatose me could not understand that," she handed him the phone as she leaned forward for her steamy soup.

"Leelee sends me messages like this all the time. I know she knows how to write so it is frustrating," he explained. "But I get it, she uses no punctuation, doesn't spell write..."

"Okay, calm down," she rubbed his shoulder. Laughing, "It's how kids text."

"'Cause they're lazy," he mumbled under his breath. "People got tired of talking, they started texting and now they're tired of typing..."

She kind of smirked, taking the phone back and putting it face down on the other side of her so if her assistant had anything to say, she could answer it discreetly. "So, do you have any plans today?" she questioned since he seemed to be at her beckon call.

"No, I had planned to stay here with you just so we could spend time together and I could be here if you needed anything... If there's an emergency with the kids or Kristen, I'm gonna have to leave but for the most part, no."

She kind of nodded her head and continued eating her soup.

She was pretty taken by how calm and collected Kristen was about divorcing her husband of nearly twenty years; how she concerned for his well-being. She had thought it would be a more volatile situation considering she and his wife did not get along. But she had to hand it to her, she was as civil as she could be and she still seemed to care about Lindsey. Stevie loved that---thinking; that's how it should have always been.

Sitting back against her couch, his fingertips tapped against her shoulder and he just watched her. "What do you plan for the next few days?"

"Nothing, really... I mean, I can't do much still. I was lucky to be able to come home and I guess I have to rest. So bummed that we had to cancel the Jazz Fest," she shook her head, disappointed by it.

"Yeah, I know," he kind of nodded, knowing she had a ball the last time they performed there. "Well, when everything's over; divorce is clear, tour is over... I'll take you to New Orleans myself and we'll travel the city," he mentioned.

Kind of smiling, "That would be nice... Just the two of us---it hasn't been that way for a long time."

"Nope, I think it would be nice to get away, painlessly, for a while. We don't have to worry about getting caught, Kristen, the band, the kids..." he stopped. "I take the last one back. The kids will be blowing my phone up."

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