9. Boston

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Weeks Later...

"You're seriously leaving?" Kristen complained, putting her hands on her hips.

With his voice still in a small whisper, "Yeah, what's it to you? I mean, really---how does this affect you?" he cleared his throat, zipping his suitcase shut.

"It doesn't affect me at all, but I hope you're leaving with good reason," she switched to crossing her arms.

"It's not like you care anyway... Plus, it's only for a few days and part of the weekend---I should be back by Saturday night or Sunday, no later," he assured.

On this Thursday morning, he was getting ready to go to New York; Stevie was to be inducted on the twenty-ninth of March, the next day and he was going to be there for her because he had promised he'd go. But his leaving; he never truly thought about Kristen's thoughts or feelings, but he definitely had a good cover.

"Well, where are you going?" she asked a little bit softer.

"To see a specialist in Boston," he assured, since that was the partial truth. "He's gonna check my voice and all that."

"Wouldn't you want us to come with you?" she then questioned, realizing it was important.

"No," he shook his head softly. "I'd reather be alone for that because, I don't know what kind of news I'm getting," he said honestly. "I'd rather the kids be focused on school."

"I understand. Well, at least let one of the kids know when you get there."

"Yeah, I'll see you," he nodded, backing away with his rolling case.

In actuality, Lindsey did have to go to Boston to see a specialist, so he was going there first and then he would make his way to New York to see Stevie the next day. He wasn't too keen on back tracking but he knew he had to and he was totally thrilled to spend some time with Stevie since it had been almost a month when they were last together.

Coming down the stairs and making it to the foyer, he was met by Leelee and Stella.

"Daddy, you're leaving?" Stella asked as he came near the foyer.

"Yeah, but I'll be back soon," he let his hand meet the top of her head and smiled gently. "You won't even know I'm gone," he assured.

Leelee came over to kiss his cheek and her eyes met his pretty clearly, understanding why he was going.

She knew that this Friday; tomorrow, Stevie was getting inducted, but she was going to keep her mouth shut because obviously her mother would have been screaming at him if she knew of his future whereabouts.

"I'll text you when I get there," he told her, swiping her golden strands.

"Mhmm," she nodded.

Looking at his oldest again, he kind of smirked. "Shh," he said so quietly.

"Yeah, I know---I love you, have a safe trip," she patted his back gently.

He then made his way outside to his car so that he could drive himself to the airport.

During his flight he was between texting Stevie and Leelee; telling one that he was on his way, but seeing a specialist and then explaining to the other one exactly what it was he was doing because he knew his daughter was curious and old enough to be in the loop. And after all the years that had passed, she deserved to be in the loop even if it wasn't ideal for her to know.

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