35. New Orleans

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A Year Later...

After Stevie was totally free from any engagements having to do with Fleetwood Mac, her solo work or guest appearance type deals, Lindsey took that as his opportunity to take her to New Orleans. He had promised her, that he would take her when she was bummed about missing the Jazz Fest.

"So, let me ask... Does this work for you?" Lindsey questioned, just outside a chapel, uncovering her eyes.

"Yeah, for what?" she asked, creasing her brow as she bent her knees to pick up her dog.

"Um... To get married...?" he lingered.

"Oh, right---" she shook her head. "Lindsey, you asked so long ago," she kind of giggled. "I mean, we just haven't had time to work out the kinks. Was this your plan all along?" she questioned of his plan to actually make it to New Orleans.

"You act like my mind works that abruptly," he smirked, chuckling right after. "Maybe before, but no... I still wanted to take you since you had to miss the Jazz Fest but after I asked you to get married, I thought, since we've been waiting to elope, I thought New Orleans would be fun for you. Your favorite place, a new memory and hopefully with your favorite person?"

"Well, I think that's sweet. It will be very memorable," she smiled a little---kissing the top of Lily's head.

"You didn't answer my question..."

"When was any of that a question?" she smirked, facing him.

"I'm your favorite person right?" he asked.

"Ah, of course you are," she tugged on the side hem of his jacket, pulling it closer together on him. "You are one of many favorite people, but I adore you more than anything."

"Good to hear," he winked lightly. "So, shall we get married?" he asked.

"Was that a question or more of a statement?" she rose a brow.

"Get over here," he rolled his eyes, slinging an arm around her and pulling her in closely to himself.

"So, now that you are technically a missus..." he turned her around to face him as he leaned against a brick building. "How do you feel about the title?"

"I mean, I've been a missus before," she smirked, thinking back to her quick marriage in the early '80s.

"Okay, fair enough---" he paused to think about it.

"But I'd have to say it is interesting, it always has been for me. Even back in those days just because it isn't something I was ever called by. I've always been Stevie or Miss Nicks. Even when I was married, I wasn't called Mrs. Nicks," she explained. "Definitely never even recognized as Anderson... I can't even remember if I hyphenated," she shook her head.

He nodded his head, just following along with her as he guided them to move about the city, while also petting the top of Lily's head.

For the first time, Karen was okay with her boss roaming the city just because she happened to be with Lindsey but it would have been different if she was totally alone. However, Lindsey always seemed to know how to move through crowds of people and photographers easier. Stevie definitely knew how to keep things moving when going through crowds but she often felt guilty if she didn't feel like she signed enough stuff for people who asked.

"Would you hyphen your name this time?" he asked, more curious than asking that of her. He put his arm around her, resting his hand on her shoulder.

Tangling her free fingers in his resting hand, "Mm, maybe," she nodded. "Nobody would probably even recognize that," she smirked. "I'd still be called Nicks by everybody."

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