27. Out Of Time

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Weeks Later...

Waking up, Lindsey kind of turned over and looked outside, the morning sun gently flowing in. He then opened his eyes fully and pried himself so that he could get ready for his day. Leaving Stevie in bed, to sleep---he made his way to the bathroom so that he could take a quick shower and brush his teeth.

In the last weeks, he had been at Stevie's house more often than not. He spent most of his time there because the two were able to keep each other company. Being together was as relaxed as it had ever been for them.

When he came out of the bathroom; fully clothed in some casual attire, he went back to his side of the bed and picked up his phone only to read a million messages from Kristen about what day it was since they were to meet the anonymous buyer. He then started to shift, gathering all of his thoughts---trying to find a suitable way of processing what his day had in store.

"Alright?" her raspy vocals filled his ears, her fingertips barely reaching to graze his back a little.

"Yeah," he cleared his throat and then kind of turned to face her. "Just responding to Kristen's nagging, that's all---" he smirked as he pressed his elbow into the mattress---meeting her face to face.

"What for?" she then asked, turning her head to the side so she could see him better.

"I have to meet with owners, remember?" he reminded her.

Recounting, "Oh, yeah... Wow, then that means I am to leave today," she mentioned.

He gave a pouty expression and puppy dog eyes.

"I think you'll survive," she patted his chest, giving a short chuckle.

"How do you know?" he came near, whispering---kissing her on the cheek.

"Because. I just do," she laughed---turning her head to peck his lips.

Her mind had started to wander now that he put the meet up in her head. She was overcome with nervousness, unsure of if he would be mad at her for keeping it from him or doing it at all. In the beginning, it was originally just for herself and for him if he happened to walk back into her life and much to her surprise, it happened in the same week. But since the house was never the biggest priority, just keeping it safe was, it never really dawned on her that she needed to mention it. Not when he was sick, on the verge of forgiving her, making plans with her, and then herself getting sick. There was never a time to just sit down and chat about it. In the last weeks, sure, she had a million opportunities to chat about it, but looking over it all, it was months too late for that. Meeting with Kristen and Lindsey in only a few hours again, to sign everything over---she still felt it was wrong, but being honest and handing it over; that was the best thing to do for them even if it would cost she and Lindsey's new and improved relationship.

Pulling away, "You should get ready real fast---maybe we can get a quick breakfast?" he suggested. "Or coffee..."

"Maybe," she kind of shrugged since she was about to join him at the same meeting. "Karen should be here soon to help me---she already took the major things."

He kind of nodded; already the fact that she was leaving, flying over his head. "Do you have any plans before you go?" he re-questioned.

"I gotta see what Karen's got on the agenda," she simply rejected. "Usually she has a whole bunch of errands for me to do and she doesn't tell me as it is, but then with you here, she is keeping her distance," she smirked.

Chuckling, "Do people just think that's what we do all day when we're alone?" he shrugged.

"Well, if ya ask Christine..." she lingered, smirking. "She was actually making sure, months ago, that we weren't fornicating because of your heart and because I was sick," she used the Brit's word of choosing.

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