31. Tomorrow Night

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Months Later...

Settling in her seat, Stevie crossed one leg over the other and she pulled her phone out to plug her earbuds in.

"Before you cancel me out..." Karen cut in, pausing right after.

"Yes?" she looked up to see the woman hovering the area around her as she stuck only one earbud in. "Can I have my dog, please?" she reached out.

Karen handed over Lily and then settled her boss' purse on the table. "You look nervous," she then addressed before getting to what she needed to say.

"I am---" she agreed easily, rubbing her hands together. "Lindsey and I are finally going to tell the band that we've been together. Can you believe it's been nine months and one week that we've been together?" she had to add.

"I can't believe you kept count," Karen rose a brow.

Stevie leered, slumping her shoulders. "It's really kind of monumental---you don't have to be a kill joy."

Smirking, "I think it's great and it was only hidden for a whole three or so-ish months. That's like six to seven months of it not being an affair---it is monumental, I agree," she gave a short nod, sitting on the other side of the walkway, though next to her boss.

"Okay, you don't have to make fun of me the whole time, but I am very happy, though again, extremely nervous to tell the band," she gestured with her hand.

"I don't think you should be nervous," the younger woman shook her head.

"That's easy for you to say," Stevie whined. "You didn't go to extreme lengths to get Lindsey fired from the band. I demanded that from Mick and now we're all happy, willy-nilly? I wouldn't be surprised if Mick tried to kill me," she assured with a small eye roll.

"I think he would be happy to see him after all this time," she mentioned. "That goes for everybody, but I mean just 'cause there was so much tension at the time."

Giving a light nod, Stevie pursed her lips a little and stroked the top of her dog's head. "You excited to see daddy, Lily?" she easily cooed at her dog, rubbing her belly.

Karen rose her brows and just turned her head back to what she was doing. "So, for your upcoming tour..." she trailed, skimming a paper.

"I don't wanna work on that right now," Stevie shook her head. "We have time for that---just reinforce the agreements for that one show in January."

"Okay," Karen agreed and made note of it.

Stevie had her full attention on her dog but was taken by her phone when it buzzed.

I'm taking off soon, how are you doing? Lindsey asked.

Lip trilling, she began typing; I'm nervous. We're not even there yet and I'm already shaking... I have butterflies and they aren't the magic kind, she pouted as she hit send.

Stay calm... At least till I get there, he sent her a winking face. But everything should be fine, don't negate the situation, he added in another message.

Well, I'm not trying to... But on the brighter side of things ~ we are going on almost ten months, my love, she sent the red lips with a couple black hearts.

That's really exciting... And sort of incredible, he had to admit.

"See, Lindsey thought it was exciting!" Stevie shoved the phone toward Karen to read.

"I bet," the younger woman widened her eyes since she put the phone so close. "Incredible that you haven't killed each other and again, the fact that most of it wasn't an affair. And he's actually divorced this time," she flipped through a magazine since she had nothing better to do.

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