26. Twisted

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"Thank you, guys, for coming to meet with me," William hugged both Stevie and Lindsey.

"I'm glad you called," Lindsey patted his back.

"I'm also sorry if I screwed up your date," he added, finding that a little hard to swallow, but letting it flow anyway.

"No, never, sweetie," Stevie swiped the side of his face. "We were happy to have you with us tonight. I hope in future you come drop by and maybe spend the night every so often."

"I'll do that," he agreed with a soft nod. Keeping a stong eye contact with Stevie, he kind of smirked. "Should I start calling you mom?" he rose a brow.

She kind of blushed, laughing.

Lindsey chuckled, shaking his head because his kid came up with some wild things that made him roll his eyes.

"Well?" he lingered, wanting an answer.

"If you really feel the need to, my love," she stepped forward to hug him again and kiss the side of his face.

"Alright," he chuckled and pulled away from her. "I'll see you later and thanks for dinner," he waved as he walked off to his car, leaving the two alone.

"Bye, sweetheart---" Stevie waved as Lindsey did the same.

Stevie and Lindsey were standing by their car, both on the driver's side; just where they ended when they were talking to Lindsey's son.

"Well, two down, one to go..." Lindsey had to state, kind of pressing her back into the car and leaning against the vehicle with one arm.

"Ah, yes---I feel better," she assured. "Now young Stella," she rose a brow.

"Good luck to us," he smirked, kind of kissing her jaw and neck. Bringing his head up, "So...?" he lingered.

She kind of rose a brow and grinned. "Yes, my love?"

"The night is young---what shall we do?" he asked in a whisper.

"Mm..." she pursed her lips. Then looking at him she brought a hand up and gestured for him to come forward with her finger.

He grinned at her and gladly went forward to kiss her. Pulling away, "I miss this... The simplest things..."

She smiled and brought her hand up to meet his jacket, pulling him in to her so she could keep kissing him.

As they continued, their kiss not really becoming too passionate, but definitely deepening, they kind of jumped when William went by slowly, honking his horn at them.

Lindsey actually flipped him off seeing his kid laughing as he waved to finally leave.

"My goodness," Stevie giggled. "I just found Karen her partner in crime. She's as bad as he is," she added.

Chuckling, "Let's go home---" he walked her around to the passenger side and opened the door for her. As he was going to close the door for her, his phone went off which caused him to look at it.

"What's up?" Stevie asked, wondering what had him so enticed.

"Oh, uh... Kristen texted me," he shut the door and made his way around slowly since he was typing as he walked around the vehicle. Opening the driver's side, he put his phone in the cup holder as he enclosed himself.

"Everything alright?" she asked, ready to let him go if the case depended on it.

"Yeah, she was just telling me that we're meeting with the people who bought the house."

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