20. Challenges

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As Stevie rolled over, onto her back---she let off a heavy sigh.

That just gave Lindsey the capability to start swiping her bangs back.

And once he did, that caught her attention and she opened her eyes. "You're here..." she kind of smiled a little. "When did you get here?" she asked.

"Since you got here," he assured. "Karen dropped you so she could get your medicine, she told me the doctor gave you more meds to knock you out."

"I briefly recall them talking about it," she kind of nodded, starting to push herself up. She put her hand to her head a little, kind of feeling her sunglasses. "Mm, that's why it's dark in here," she pulled them off---setting them on the antique coffee table in front of her.

"Headache?" he asked, letting his hand meet her shoulder. He moved the pillow out of his way and he pulled himself forward to sit at the edge of the cushion.

"No," she kind of furrowed her brows. "It just feels kind of heavy, actually... All the meds and treatment the last few days---it's starting to get to me now."

"Yeah, I understand that," he kind of abided by her feeling.

"I'm sorry," she put her hand on his knee.

"About what?" he then furrowed his brow in question.

"Well, you went through a lot and were in the hospital for a longer time period than I was and for a much more important thing... I'm complaining about medication you were probably thriving on."

"To be fair, pneumonia could become life threatening," he assured. "My condition as well... I'd say we were both survivors."

"What a way to put it," she kind of rolled her eyes with a small smirk. Sighing, "I feel so wobbly and like I'll just fall out in the next ten minutes again."

"You should rest," he encouraged, rubbing her back. "You've kind of been through a lot---your body."

She nodded her head, shutting her eyes for a moment. "I think we should both rest---I just... I have to shower, the smell of the hospital followed me and I cannot stand it anymore."

"Okay," he nodded. "I'll help you upstairs."

"Thanks," she nodded as she pushed herself up off the couch. Leading the way, she was able to grab ahold of the railing of her staircase and just pull herself up slowly with Lindsey kind of guiding her from behind.

For him, stairs had also been a tough task, but he was managing slowly, but his concern for her, made him forget about himself. Her headspace and strength just wasn't totally there while his strength was the only thing that wasn't fully there.

When the couple made it up the stairs, she led the way into her bedroom where a full bath would be shown shortly after furthering into the major master bedroom. Walking right over to one of her dressers, she started rummaging for undergarments and sleep attire. Gasping, "Where's Lily?" she panicked when she realized it really was just the two of them.

"Relax, Karen took her to the park and on a few errands after dropping your meds," he assured, sitting on the edge of her bed.

"Okay," she sighed a light breath of relief. "Far out."

"Mhmm," he kind of nodded. "I kinda don't feel comfortable with you showering---I don't want you to fall," he addressed.

"Do you wanna sit in then? I manage any other time quite fine," she stated with a smirk over the horizon.

"But any other time, are you high off of tranquilizers?"

"Did I make it through the '80s?" she remarked real easily with a laugh followed.

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