Chapter twenty one~

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Chapter by: xlovemusicalsx

(y/n)'s POV

Why did the middle of October have to drag on for absolute years? I swear it never got any closer to our lord and savior Halloween.

Obviously, this is what I think about at 3am.

Halloween then made me think about vampires, ultimately leading to Heather Chandler. I smiled at the thought of her, with some little tingle in my chest. She always made me smile, whether she intended to or not. She was a good friend.

But suddenly, the label friend didn't sound right when I associated it with her. I wanted a stronger word to describe her with.

Like girlfriend? Lover? Soulmate? My brain insisted, but I shook my head and turned over in bed. I couldn't want to date her, right? I'd just gotten out of a really long relationship after all. I wanted to be single. No matter how absolutely fantastic Heather Chandler was.

But now I couldn't shake the images in my head of us being together. I could feel the chill of her hands on my also cold ones, and her shockingly soft and warm lips against mine.

Everyone thought vampires were hot and wanted to bang one, but I really just wanted to be held by a certain one.

Oh my god, did I like Heather? Yeah, yeah I definitely did.

Oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit.

Catching feelings always sucked but really? Right now?

And Veronica had said that vampire mating season was starting in a week or two, so vampires would already start to act peculiarly attached any day now, but she was fine with distance. I wasn't her fated one, so why even bother?

I didn't wanna be just another meaningless, throwaway girlfriend for a second person in a row.

The thoughts were coming at me fast, too fast. It was hard to internalize it all quickly enough.

A single tear fell down my cheek. I realized I liked someone but I just had to ruin it by telling myself the truth, that it could never happen, just a minute later.

Why did I have to torture myself like this? I hated my stupid fucking brain, and heart, and whatever clusterfuck controls love and feelings and shit. All this was ridiculous.

I got up to get a drink of water, thankful that Heather was probably sleeping. She mentioned once that she's not out of the human habit of sleeping at night. She was just like an enhanced human being, with cool powers and Halloween all year round.

I needed to just think happy thoughts, like about Halloween. Yeah, I could do that.

Happy thoughts.

(427 words)

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