Jon Snow

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Sorry about how long it has taken me to write this, and make a post in general. My Step-dad's dad had heart surgery recently and we were very unsure if he would make it out, we still aren't sure. He is still very heavily medicated and hasn't woken up, and most likely won't for weeks. So that is why there have been a lack of posts. 

Please enjoy!


Shaking, you feel another round of nausea hitting you. You lean forward and start gagging, your twin sister, Ygritte, grabbing your hair to hold it out of the way. Once done, you wipe your mouth on your sleeve, sitting down beside your sister and Tormund, your best friend.  They both give you sympathetic looks, something that you can't stand. 

"Maybe ya shouldn't come with tomorrow," Ygritte says, finally saying what you know both of them have been wanting to say. 

"No. I'm coming. I'll be better later today."

"And if you're not?" Tormund has a questioning look on his face when you look at him. "This is the second day."

You look down at your hands, feeling guilty that you haven't told them yet. You have been puking every morning for a while now and you knew why. You were with child, something you would usually tell both of them right away if you had found out but tomorrow something big was happening. You and a few others were climbing the wall, and if anyone knew that you were with child they wouldn't let you climb. 

"I will be," you say, as confidently as you can. 


As you look above you at how much of the wall is left, you start regretting your decision to climb. Your whole body is sore and tired, and you are maybe halfway up. You knew this would happen but everything is exemplified because of your pregnancy. The only thing keeping you going at the moment is Jon. When you feel like your footing is good enough you glance down at him, offering him a smile or he says something sweet to you to keep you moving. 

There was a moment when you were worried, when there was some loose ice that fell and hit Jon in the face. He lost his footing and fell, the only thing preventing his death was the rope tied around your, Ygritte's, Tormund's, Orell's, and his waist. 

Suddenly there is a rumbling sound, and you feel the ice under you giving way. You look at Jon, panic written all over your face, as the ice under you is gone. You and Jon are swinging around as chunks of ice hit you. Just as suddenly as it started, it stops, and the two of you are dangling below Tormund, Orell, and Ygritte. 

Glancing down at Jon, you know what is going to happen. They have to cut the rope. Ygritte looks at you with regret on her face as Orell pulls out a knife and starts cutting. Jon starts swinging back and forth below you. Realizing what he is trying to do, you start trying to help him. You swing your body back and forth in time with Jon, trying to give him more momentum. 

Your stomach sinks and you feel weightless. Ygritte gets farther and farther away from you as what is happening fully dawns on you. He cut the rope. But just as suddenly as it started, your body it jerked back up and you collide with the wall of ice. The next time you are near it you are prepared and dig your feet in. 

Looking up, you see that Jon has managed to get to a ledge. He starts pulling on the rope to get you up. Realizing that you need to get moving, you start climbing, finding spots to put your feet and hands. Jon reaches down and you put your hand in his as he helps pull you up that last little bit. He wraps his arms tightly around you, you doing the same to him. 

"Are you okay," he asks, worry evident in his voice. He cups your face and gently rubs your cheek. 

"I'm fine," you reply out of breath. "We need to keep climbing though."  He nods his head, going back to being the serious Jon Snow that you fell in love with. 


Jon reaches down once again, grabbing your hand and pulling you up. Except this time, you are at the top of the wall. You wrap your arms around him, your whole body shaking. He seems to notice this as he pulls your body closer to his. He places a soft, reassuring kiss on your lips.

"I love you," you say quietly, so only he can hear.  

"I love you too." He says almost like he is just realizing it himself, but it has been painfully obvious to everyone that he has loved you for a while. 

"And I'm with child." He pulls farther away from, shock written all over his face. 


"Yes," you say, letting out a small giggle. Before you can say any more to him, Ygritte pulls you away from him wraps her arms around you. 

"I was so worried," she says after pulling her away. "Are you okay? The child?"

"Wait, you knew?"

"Of course I knew, I know everything." She grins at you. You hear someone clearing their throat behind you, turning to see Tormund. 

"You should of told me before the climb," he says, looking a little hurt. 

"If I had told you then you wouldn't have let me climb. And if I had fallen you would have only felt guiltier." You wrap your arms around him. "I'm sorry, I wanted to tell you the second I realized, but even Jon didn't know." He nods, walking away quickly. That's Tormund in boss mode. 

You walk a little bit away from the group and look out at the view of the side of the wall that you have been on your whole life. Jon comes up behind you, wrapping his arms around you. 

"It's beautiful," you say softly, leaning into him. 

"There is something more beautiful than that in my arms," he replies. You flash him a smile as a blush rises onto your cheeks, knowing that the two of you will be able to figure everything out as long as you are together. 

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