Epilogue 7

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Spinel sat on the steps of the beach house as the sun set, watching the guests of Steven's party leave and Sadie's band pack up their things
Steven was off chatting with Connie about something, probably her vacation while they helped put up his dad's grill.
Spinel sighed happily, content with the day as it began to close out.

The sun cast an orange and pink hue on the sky that made her feel warm and comfortable. The sounds of the waves crashing gently against the sand pulled her into a calm state as she watched the sparkling ripples in the water.
She stared off at it, her ears began ringing. Buzz, buzz, buzzing in her head as her face stilled and the noise grew louder.


The gem glanced up, Steven smiled at her, his hand outstretched.

"What?" She murmured, shaking off the temporary deafness.

"I said, are you ready to go?" Steven repeated, still smiling. Spinel smiled in return, feeling quite silly for not hearing him the first time. She grabbed his hand and stood up.

"Yeah, let's go."

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