Final Epilogue

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Steven couldn't sleep, it had been weeks since he put Spinel back together, her heart wasn't shattered anymore, he had made sure that any cracks, any crevices were long gone.
It didn't change the fact that she wasn't going to come back.
Parched, he slid out of bed to grab a glass of water, hoping it would help him drift off a little sooner than the night before. He had grown the recent habit of staying up until sunrise, regardless of if he wanted to.

Steven groggily made his way back upstairs to his room, still chugging from his glass of water until he saw someone standing in the room.
Bathed in moonlight, she turned to face him and the glass slipped from his hands, shattering into peices on the floor.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2019 ⏰

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