pt 8 Chapter Four: Orders

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A pearl devoid of color floated pristinely from room to room, as she past, quartz soldiers stood at attention, unnerved by her presence.

The Pearl's unwavering smile made them avert their eyes in discomfort as she emotionlessly tracked down the aisles. She entered a brightly lit yellow room, addressing the gem inside.

"Your Citrines have turned on you, and invaded our homeworld," the Pearl's face cocked upwards at what looked like an incredibly uncomfortable position. "What have you to say for yourself?"

Yellow diamond froze upon hearing White's voice erupt from the tiny gem. She paused and hesitantly glanced down at the pearl who stood entirely still, awaiting her answer.

Yellow had been informed of the revolt, but could do little to stop it from happening, the treachery reached high up the chain of command, even Hessonites were beginning to question the Diamond authority. She gulped, unsure of how to answer before putting on a relaxed and unfazed expression.

"My Citrines are menial soldiers, their attack was wiped out by your Quartz's and our weapons. The leader of the coup was one of Blue's high court gems." She replied, waving away the Pearl and letting out the breath she had held while speaking.
The puppeted gem spun around, leaving Yellow to her work.

Yellow Diamond let out a hollowed sigh of relief, she hated when White closed herself off from them, but knew that questioning her would be a very bad decision.
She hadn't personally spoken to them since they arrived on the forgotten planet, deep down she knew why, but to say such a thing out loud would be a severe crime against White.

The former pink Pearl hovered across the hidden palace to Blue Diamond's corridor, finding the gem sulking in her chamber. The giant diamond turned, jumping at the sight of the pearl.

Her eyes softened with a look of sadness at the tiny gem, now controlled and owned by White.

"Your Aquamarine lead the coup and attacked homeworld." The tiny gem remarked, White's voice echoing through the room. Blue diamond closed her eyes, guilt and shame and loathing growing inside her that was slowly enveloped by rage.
She let out a breath and glanced down at the Pearl who stood stiffly below.

"I will see to it that my Aquamarine's are destabilized and bubbled-"

"No, we will cull them, in all their entirety." The pearl cut her off. Blue looked away, hesitant to object such an order.
It came from White though, and to disobey her would be a fatal mistake.

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