Ch. 11

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Hermione's POV

One of the first things Draco suggested was for me to take a nice, long bath. Even though it was his idea, he actually seemed surprised when I decided to do it.

"Do you need me to get you anything?" He asked, leaning against the doorway with a smile.

"No, I should be alright," I said as I ran my fingers along the edge of the tub. "It's so beautiful, I almost feel bad for using it."

He laughed at that. "Don't! It's meant to be used."

"You realize this is a big change for me, right?" I asked while raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, but I'm trying to ease you into it as best I can," He said as he slowly walked towards me. "I know you're not one for being flashy or anything but there is a certain amount of show that comes with being married to a Malfoy. Though I'm sure you can tell already that I haven't quite held onto that as much as my parents."

I nearly doubled over in laughter, having to lean against the tub to keep myself from falling onto the floor. "You?! Flashy?? Never!"

He was grinning at this and I even heard him chuckle. "Alright, you don't have to exaggerate."

"I don't have to," I managed to say between breaths. "You exaggerated enough for me!"

By the time I straightened up he was laughing as well and I thought I saw a bit of red in his cheeks. "Yeah, yeah...fine, you win! I was so flashy back then but I've gotten better!"

I waved him off with the last remaining laughs I had. "Yes, you honestly have gotten better, I'll give you that."

"Thank you!" He bowed his head slightly and then hummed as he looked around. "You know what? I know exactly what you're missing."

"Oh? What's that?"

"Just give me a few minutes," He said, holding up a hand with a smile. "Go ahead and get your bath started."

He left the room before I could say anything else, and I was stuck scowling at the doorway. I wasn't quite sure how long he was going to be gone, even though he said it would only be a few minutes; in this manor-fortress-thing, it could take a while to get anywhere as I found out earlier when trying to sneak off to the library. Draco had to rescue me from the maze of hallways, which we discovered would change very similarly to the stairs at Hogwarts and lead the walker to a random hallway other than where they thought they were going. While it was amusing at first, it started to get extremely annoying after the third dead end.

I paced the bathroom as I waited for Draco to come back, chewing on the inside of my cheek. There was a part of me that was worried about missing two days of work, especially since it was the weekend of the full moon. But at the same time, Draco seemed to have everything under control and Jenn apparently knew that I was going to be out. It was going to be weird having a four day weekend, but I knew that Sunday would be very nerve-wracking with the full-moon being that night.

"Why are you pacing?"

The sound of his voice made me jump and I turned around quickly. "I...I pace a lot, you know this."

"You only pace when you're stressing about something," He said in a light tone, leaning against the doorframe with his hands behind his back. "Or when you have something major on your mind."

I wasn't quite sure what to say, but I wasn't expecting him to smile at me. "This was a weekend for you to get away from everything. I would really like you to not worry about anything until Sunday, and if I have to keep you somewhat tipsy until then I will."

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