the questions continue

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After a long while the puzzle was finally finished and a new vinyl record was playing quietly in the background, something sung by the Beatles, you would lean into the massive males chest, humming softly, listening to his heartbeat contently, you felt comfortable around him, after a short moment his arms wrapped around you, holding you close as he seemed to purr slightly "so..." You mumbled "how do you only have teeth sometimes?" You questioned, he closed his eyes "I only have teeth if I'm using them for something" he mumbled "otherwise they're kind of pointless don't ya think?" You nodded a bit "I suppose, if your mouth is a void then how do you eat?" You continued to question him since you finally had the chance to do so "I don't need to eat, I can but it doesn't go to my stomach, if I even have one of those" he answered you nodded again "where does that jingling come from?" You tilted your head, looking over him for any source of the noise "my back" he answered simply "how so?" You questioned, he sat up with a slight hum, moving you back off of him, untucking his shirt and turning his back to you, lifting up the back of his shirt to show you his upper back where a row of four bells sat along either side of his spine, eight in total "are those a part of your body? Or did you put them there? Are they peircings?" You questioned, lightly touching one of the cold metal bells before he pulled his shirt back down "well they were sort of like peircings but they're part of my body now" he said "I'd explain that if I could but I can't, I kinda just absorbed them into my being..." He scratched the back of his head "uh huh...well thats a good enough explanation for me" you said, resting against him again, having one more question "how do you feel about me really?" You asked, looking up at him as he gave you a bewildered expression "what?" He asked " you consider me a friend or?" He blushed a small bit and thought for a second "I do think of you as a very very good friend but...i haven't known you for long, like properly known you, I've known ABOUT you for quite a while...but..." He paused, thinking of what to say "known about me?" You questioned, sitting up and giving him a questioning look "yes well I uh...ive been you?" He stuttered, clearly seeming nervous "you were stalking me??" You questioned, backing away slightly "well...i guess so...n-n-never in your own home, only when you were outside, how else would I be able to know where to put the flower and the ticket and everything where you could find it?" He tried to explain himself "I saw you out by the woods one day and y-y-you fascinated me and I wanted to know more about you..." You studied his nervous posture "that's...a little bit creepy" you mumbled, he sighed, placing a hand on his forehead and looking down "I know...I'm sorry Y/N...its just well I', and you' I didn't know how you would feel about me...being me...taking to you...being..." His sentences slowed down as he trembled a bit, desperately grasping for the words to explain himself until you rested against his chest again "I got it" you mumbled which earned a relieved sigh from him as his arms rested around you.

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