home alone

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Splendy closed a few sets of curtains to essentially give you free range of the house before he left, locking the door behind himself, once your giant friend was gone you were almost immediately bored, absent mindedly wandering to find something, anything to do on your own, soon coming across a room which seemed to be a study or office of some sort, the window was wide open allowing the chilled October air to scatter papers about the floor, you stealthily made your way to the edge of the window, carefully closing it as to not make much noise before scrambling away from the window like it would bite you if you remained near, after you left the study you found some sort of activity room which held a pool table and a few other things that didnt matter to you as you started to play a round of pool against yourself for the hell of it, though your body was still sore so walking back and forth between the two sides of the table was difficult, you eventually won for obvious reasons and sighed, looking about the room, you had been hearing odd noises for about half of the round but you chose to just ignore it, assuming they were just from the age of the house, as you started to wander again to find something interesting you soon heard something scampering up behind you, spinning on your heels you came face to face with the last thing you would expect, a strange being which was humanoid yet far from being anything human charged you from the end of the long hallway, it had long knife-like claws on its hands which scraped the floor as it bounded towards you, you didn't have time to think before you were shoved onto the ground with claws pressed to your chest, seemingly ready to impale you at any second, geez did everything out here want to kill you?! You closed your eyes tightly, accepting your fate before "hey!" Your eyes shot open as the equally surprised creature whipped around to see the source of the noise which was of course Splendy who stood a few feet away the creature moved off of you and you quickly scrambled away "you can't have this one Janice" he said, scolding the strange being "Janice?!" You questioned, gripping onto Splendy's pants leg like a frightened child "yes that's their name, believe it or not they have one...most people just call them 'rake' and that is extremely rude" he stated as the thing supposedly called Janice crept towards him "rake? As in the rake? The thing that watches people sleep and kills and-or traumatizes them" Splendy looked at you with a raised brow "I mean...i suppose so?" He responded as if it were no big deal, reaching down to...pet... The horrifying thing...which had just tried to kill you, it was fairly accepting of the mild affection, a stub of a tail wagged like it would fly off "why are you so okay with this?!" You questioned, looking up at Splendy as if he had grown a third eye "it's just part of their nature, you don't get upset when a bear stalks and or kills something do you?, isn't that right Janice? Who's a natural born hunter? Hm?" Great...now he was baby talking to it, 'janice' let out a horrifying hell-screech which was apparently a happy noise as it didn't phase Splendy "so what are they doing in your house?" You questioned "oh, I feed them sometimes so they're probably just looking for food" he answered, picking you up and heading downstairs with 'Janice' ambling along behind

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