Chapter 36

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Roman's P.O.V

We all walked down the stairs to the blacksmith underneth my palace. The others were kinda weirded out with the placement, so am I, but oh well. Nothing I can do about it.

After we had all gotten all we needed because telling that shit is deathly boring so I will spare you all your deaths.

We were on our way to go to Motus. Unfortunately, since it got taken over all railways have been cut off, so we have to walk and take a boat. A week with pun-derful prince Patton and queen of mean Virgil.


"Bye mum, bye Dad," I hugged my parent warmly, this may be the last time I'd see them ever. But I have to be greatful. Patton and Virgils parents got murdered for their kingdom.

"Be careful," My mother told us all as we left the castle gates to get to Motus. My father passed me a sword before we left, I wonder why he gave it to me.

Every time I went into my parents bedroom it was just hanging oposite their bed. I've never seen him take it down and everytime I asked about it he changed the subject. What's so special about it?

End Of Chapter. 211 Words.

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