Chapter 1: Takeoff

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It was dark, cold, and only the echoes of my screams lingered in the air.

"Hello", I yelled. Then again "Hello".

Then I heard it. The faint whisper. It was almost as if everything was gone. All you could feel was alone. Then a voice in the distance was the light to my end.

"Layla, run!"

"Layla, get up your first day of school is in a few hours." Alaric came in saying pulling the cover off over my head.

I roll out of bed while rubbing my eyes the see Alaric standing at the side of the bed with a baby pink dress in his hands, but this dress is not any kind of pink dress. It was a skin-tight dress with flowered lace around the chest and down the sleeves, and my favorite part would be the laced train that followed me everywhere I went. It was meant just for this occasion.

I have been waiting for this day. The day I was finally able to leave this castle and meet new people. I loved all my friends that I have, but you see at Cloud High winged creatures from all around come to get their education and study up on the history pass. This whole ordeal is going to be amazing. Even they will be there, my lifetime rivals.

Once all dressed I headed downstairs to meet my mother at the table to enjoy one last breakfast together.

"Oh, darling you look stunning." My mother said with a smile on her face as she continued to sip her hot tea.

I sit down and I look towards the walkway. Blade and Quin Dawn were just standing there laughing at something probably in their heads. They are my bodyguards and will be going with me. They are ordered to go everywhere I go, almost at all times. Twins are something you could tell right off the bat with them. They looked so much alike. White hair and light purple eyes, but man are they tall "6'5" that's crazy. Blade and Quin are best known for their crazy personalities. They would just sit there and try to make you smile or laugh even if that meant hours. They both knew how to have a good time and make everyone around them too.

Sitting there looking at my plate of food all I could think of was that dream. That voice, it came from someone I've never met before. Who was he? What does he look like? This dream meant only one thing. That I was seeing into the future. Something bad was going to happen but when and why? It's probably best not to overthink about it right now. Mother can never find out. She wouldn't be too happy and probably will make me stay home.

After mother and I are both done eating we stand up and head our way up the spiral stairs to go to my room that was on the third floor at the end of the long hall to finish getting my things ready and go over the rules. No showing my wings, no magic, no changing the colors of my eyes, and the number one rule is don't let anyone know that I'm the white-winged princess.

I looked at her with a smile knowing what I had to do. I know that I have to keep myself a secret to protect my people and my home. I just wish father was still here. I know he would trust me and believe in me.

"Layla, Layla its time," Pandora said running into the room.

"Lady Elizabeth, my apologies for Pandora's rudeness," Zurie said with a bal.

"My apologies Lady Elizabeth, please excuse my rudeness," Pandora said baling like her life was on the line.

Everyone was scared of my mother. Even Alaric and he's the bravest guy I know. Mother always dressed like the queen she is with her blond hair always tucked away out of her face and the elegant dresses she always wears, but that's not what people are afraid of. She's cold-hearted and very mean, but this is how she would put it "everything I do is to teach you a lesson and help you learn how to become a strong and independent queen". Princess Layla was all a lot of people see me as. Sometimes, I wish someone could truly understand I'm not just a princess.

Mother went down the stairs to probably go read her book and act like she doesn't care that I'm leaving, but I know she does I know she wants me to stay here. I let her be and focuses on what Pandora and Zurie were rambling about.

"Just think about all the cute boys we are going to see! What if one of them asks us out. OMG OMG!" Pandora said as she was laying down on my bed.

"Is that all you can think about?" Zurie said.

"Yeah, and you're not?" Pandora said making the concerned look on her face.

We all stayed quiet for a few minutes and then everyone busted out in laughter. I believe tears started to form in my eyes. Pandora and Zurie are my best friends. We do anything and everything together. Pandora had this beautiful long natural red hair with her bright emerald green eyes, and Zurie has her short dirty blond hair that came just a few inches below her ears and dark blue eyes but to me, I believe that they magnify when she wears her glasses.

Before we knew it, it was time to go. We headed out back to the launch way. I said goodbye to everyone and took my crown off my head and placed it on the pillow that one of our butlers where holding. I can't let anyone know who I am I say to myself.

Pandora and Zurie get ready to take off so do Alaric and the twins. They all stared at me waiting for me to tell them to take off. I brought out my white wings that drag behind me as I walked. The moonlight made them shine with every father they sparkled; then I said the last one there is a rotten egg.

Flying high above the clouds I thought to myself, this was home.

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