Chapter 2: School

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I win, I say within a laugh.
"Layla, that's unfair we all know that you're faster than us," Pandora said out of breath.
I continue to laugh. As I looked around to see the front gate. There it was, Cloud High the school of the winged creatures. There were a bunch of grouped people. They looked at me as I walk by. At home, everyone would bal once they saw me now everyone looks at me as if I was one of them. I smile inside trying to not make it known. The guys lining against the wall were playing some kind of card game, and the group girls at the bench were applying their day layer of lip gloss, and the boy in the school uniform with the glasses sitting on the steps was reading a book. So many different people all coming together as one it's a beautiful thing.
Once inside there were tables, and a chandelier that was overhead once you walk in, and food, people everywhere walking up and down the stairs, people holding hands, skipping up and down the halls. Was this a dream? I'm I dreaming?
I was so caught up in a daze that I didn't realize where I was going. It's so beautiful.
"Hey watch where you're going crazy dream girl!" the blonde-haired boy that had a hint of red within it said looking at me.
"Hanabusa, it's okay, relax." the guy that I accidentally ran into said with a small light smile on his face.
"Is everything okay over here?" Alaric said with a concerned look on his face.
Everything is fine. I accidentally wasn't watching where I was going and bumped into; sorry what's your name again?
"Kaname Kuran," he said.
I looked at him, admiring him; his beauty was shocking. He had long dark hair, light purple eyes that you could gaze in for hours. Gentle, passionate, and a gentleman. He was Kaname Kuran.
"Layla, you okay?" Zurie asked placing her hand on my shoulder.
Yes, I'm sorry, I say with a giggle. I was trying to figure out a way to apologize to Kamane here. That was a lie I say under my breath. Kaname I am very sorry for not watching out where I was going. That was very rude of me.
"There is nothing for you to be apologizing for it was an accident, but I shall get going. See you around Layla?" he said placing a small kiss on my hand.
Yes of course. I said as I watched him walk away with his group of friends. I couldn't stop smiling after that. I smiled all the way up to my room. I couldn't get him out of my head. I want to meet him again; I have to meet him again.

After the accident happened we got our calendars and our room keys. Zurie, Pandora, and I went to our room on the second floor and the twins went with Alaric to their room down the hall.
Sitting in the room Pandora and Zurie are fighting over who gets which bed. It's stupid considering they are all the same, but let them just be them. I change out of my baby pink dress and put on the school uniform that was laying perfectly folded on the bed along with a note saying we are all to meet in the theater room in an hour with it on. We are going to be going over everything. Probably even are statuses are going to be put to play. Us higher students will be in a higher class and learn different things then the lower class because we have had more learning than them. I guess that makes sense if you think about it. All I know is I can't wait. I look up at the ceiling close my eyes and dream.
"Layla, run!"
Who are you? Where are you? Hello!
I can't see. Where am I going? It is so dark and cold here.
"Get up, Layla we have to go or we are going to be late!" Pandora yells shaking me awake.
I'm up. Let's go, I say walking to the door throwing my long blond hair into a high ponytail.
Finally, in the theater room, we find our seats and sit down waiting for the principle to take the stage.

As I was sitting there I look over my left shoulder and there he was. Walking in the middle of all his friends. His beauty was overwhelming. I could feel his warmth and our hearts beating to the same rhythm, Kaname I say in a low whisper.

" Layla, who are u looking at?" Quin says tapping on my shoulder.

I jump in shock and look at him frankly saying nothing, no one why are u watching me? He looked at me like what the hell has gotten into you, but he just turned his head and acted like things did not just begin to get odd. I looked back over my left shoulder and he was gone. Finally, the principal got on stage.
"Welcome, everyone. I'm so happy to see everyone here today. This is going to be one of the very few meetings where we all come together and discussed about what is going on, but today we are going to be talking about some of the rules that you all must follow and we will also be giving you all your schedules today once you walk out of the doors. Then you can start your first day of school. So first off let us talk about some of the rules. No flying, no practice of magic unless told to do so, no fighting, and no discussing your ranking, because you and I both know that this year's class we have the black-winged king joining us as well as the white-winged princess." the principal said.
She went on to tell us everything we need to know, but knowing me I zoned out most of it and before I knew it, it was time to get our schedules and head to class. Walking to the door the short man stood there and asked me for my name. Layla Yagari I say. He handed me my paper and I thanked him and went to my first class. I was happy to see that it was music. I love playing the piano and there it was the piano that laid in the middle of the room. It was amazing.
"So, you ready?" Blade said plopping down beside me.
I laugh.
"We all have the same first-class and last class great," Pandora said with a frown.
" Quin and I will be switching up so things don't look so odd." Blade whispered.
Okay. Let's get this long day started shall we, I say as I watched the teacher walk into the room.

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