Chapter 19: The Dream

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Kaname, I yell waking up from a dream.

"Is everything okay Layla?" Kaname asked me rolling over to hug me.

Bad dream that's all.

"There's nothing to worry about, I'm right here." He said, throwing his arm around me.

I really hope you are right. I say thinking to myself.

I slowly remove Kanames arm from around my waist and slowly crawl out of bed trying not to wake him. Everything in life right now is great but I only got so little time left. How do I tell everyone I'm going to die soon? How do I even tell the man I promised to spend an eternity with that I only have just a few months? I find my way to the kitchen and make a cup of coffee then begin to wander around my new home. This place is amazing. I pictured it more dull and plan but there's so much color like everyday's a celebration. Men and women walk up and down the hall cleaning each room the smell of the summer flowers lingers in the almost autumn air. I make my way to a door at the end of the hallway and push it open. As I walk in and take in a gulp of air as a beautiful grand black piano laid in front of me I set down my coffee and take a seat.

I place each finger on the keys and begin to play. This feeling is like the day I played in front of everyone the day that Kanames and my journey began. The day he sat down at the piano and played. The feeling of wanting to live pounds in me and the drive of wanting a family comes more clear. Everyone around me is everyone together and happy. So much pain and death has come to our lives we have lost and loved but we've always stood together.

I stop playing and clear my eyes. I know what I have to do to protect the people I love. This battle is mine alone and I don't want anyone getting hurt because the battle between me and the man in black. I will fight for them, I will fight for my future.

I stand up and turn around.

Kaname, how long have you been standing there? I say almost dropping my coffee.

"Long enough to know when something is bothering you." He said walking to me.

I need you to gather everyone and set a meeting for tonight.

"Anything for you my love." Kaname said after placing a kiss on the top of my head.

That night I gathered my thoughts and made my way to the round table. I know this is the right thing to do. I'll spend as much time with them as I possibly can. I walk in pushing open the doors and look up to see everyone sitting down. They all stand and I nod my head and they all sit. I stand between the table and my chair and take in a deep breath then sit down.

"So Layla this must be important that you got all of us to come together." Pandora said, tapping each one of Hanabusa's fingers.

"Yeah, is everything okay?" Takuma said, looking at me then back at Zurie.

This is it, all of them here, all of them together, but Alaric is still gone. I wonder when he is going to come back. All I have to do is just tell them that's all you got to do.

I'm so happy to see all of you on this crazy day but it's time for me to tell you something that ive known for some time now. I've seen part of the future and a battle is going to happen in a few months with this man in black.

"What like a dream?" Hanabusa said, sitting up straight.

"My queen, what are you talking about you can see into the future?" Kaname said, looking at me, making his eyebrows touch.

"It's one of Layla's gifts. Since she was just a little girl she could see the most tragic things in life. When her eyes closed she could see things that you could not explain. Death surrounded her and it only brought her fear of living." Zurie said, looking at everyone.

"A gift that's funny more like a curse." Pandora said plopping further back into her seat.

"She would wake up screaming every night. She was three years old when she dreamed about a man jumping off a roof top and plummeting to his death and just a week later that dream came true." Pandora said slamming her hand down on the table.

Pandora! I'm saying raise my voice.

Pandora please not right now okay. I say looking at her.

She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

"When where you going to tell me this?" Kaname said, looking at me with worry.

I try to find the words to say but nothing comes out.

"She doesn't talk about it. This is the first time she's ever openly said something." Zurie said.

Kaname looked at me and began to understand but I could see the sadness in his eyes.

"Is everything going to be okay?" He said grabbing my hand.

Of course. I say with a smile.

I just lied to him. I'm lying to everyone I just want to yell and scream but I can't because my day has come to die.

We talked more about things that night then everyone walked out and went their own ways. It's time to start planning. It's time to start spending more time with everyone.

As the days passed I spent time with everyone. I help Zurie and Takuma with paperwork and blue prints. Even though I didn't know what I was doing it was great to laugh at numbers on a piece of paper. Takuma pulled me to the side and asked me how Zurie would feel about a night out on the beach. I told him she would love it. He smiled and thanked me.

I finally went shopping with Pandora and got a lot of new stuff. I even let her do my makeup. She would not stop smiling that whole day. She even told me that she thinks Hanabusa is going to pop the question soon. I'm so happy for her. She has finally found someone that treats her well and someone she really loves.

I even went on a run with Hanabusa. I could tell something was troubling him so I stopped him and asked. He told me that he's worried about the battle and doesn't want anything to happen to me. I told him everything will be okay then he proceeded to say good because I don't want to go cleaning up Kanames messes. I laughed and nodded my head. I then said your bouncing white butt cheeks are still scared in my brain. He laughed and fell down trying to catch his breath. I lay down next to him and we laid there and watched the sunset as the leaves that fell from the trees and the winter air slowly blew in.

Everynight I curled up to Kaname and held him close. I watched him get dressed every morning and he would kiss me before picking me up and dragging me all the way to the kitchen to go eat. Kaname showed his favorite book and every afternoon we would sit outside, read and sip a cup or six cups of tea. Each day made him fall more and more in love with me. I am his world and he's mine.

Winter finally came and the snow finally covered the ground. It was time. I know what I have to do.

All night I laid there watching Kaname sleep next to me. I tried to soak in all I could but it's time for me to head out and leave without them knowing.

Before the sun lifted I crawled out of bed and put on my armor. I tie up my hair and grab the letter that I had written for Kaname the night before. I placed it next to him on my pillow with a single black rose. I glance at him one last time then leave. I hop on my horse and take off.

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