Chapter 8: The Fight

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Pandora and Zurie finally came to the room late last night. I pretended to be asleep so they didn't see that I've been crying for hours. They would never stop asking questions and then who knows what would happen to Kaname. The last thing I want him to know is that I was crying over him. Crying makes me look weak and pathetic. It makes me look like I'm not ready to be queen.

I couldn't sleep all night long so before daybreak I got up and went to the roof to watch the sunrise and clear my head. I'm not going to go to class today. I need time to think and find myself again. I just want to feel free again I want to fly and feel the cold breeze against my face and fly around the clouds making weird things. Up in the sky was my home. It was my freedom. I stand on the edge of the building and spread out my arm I turn around close my eyes and just let go. The feeling of the wind gushing over my ears I knew this feeling all too well. I pull out my wings and shoot up spinning like a rocket on the fourth of July. High above the clouds my wings shin with the new rising sun. This is the only thing I need. This is the only love I truly need maybe I don't need anything else. My wings make me who I am. I'm so sorry that it has been so long since I've let you guys out.

Meanwhile back at the school Zurie and Pandora wake up and see that Layla is already gone. They believe that she just woke up early and went to get some breakfast. They go to the lunchroom and see Layla is not there. They both see Kaname, Hanabusa, and Takuma and decide to go ask them if they have seen her this morning.

"Hey, Kaname, Hanabusa, Takuma," Pandora said while walking up to them waving her hand in the air.

"Hey, baby. What's bothering you?" Hanabusa said giving Pandora a kiss on the top of her head.

"Have any of you seen Layla today?" Zurie asked looking at everyone.

"No. Is everything okay? Is she okay? Takuma gather everyone. Tell them to look for Layla by my orders." Kaname said all worried looking at Takuma.

"Why are you just standing there that is an order." Kaname begins to yell.

"Slow down Kaname Layla's done this before. She runs off and disappears when things get too hard for her. When things make her question who she is she kinda loses it. After her father died she doesn't know how to understand her feelings. Maybe it's best we give it some time and if she's not back by tonight then we need to start thinking about taking the next step." Pandora said with a very shook look on her face.

"What do we tell the twins and Alaric?" Zurie questioned.

"They can't find out," Pandora said grabbing Zuries' hand in worry.

"Can't find out what?" Quin asks as he walks up to everyone with a smile.

"Hey, where's Layla?" Balde asks with confusion.

Pandora and Zurie told everyone that Layla was just not feeling good today and she would be back in class tomorrow bright and early. Kaname started to skip class and start looking for her. He felt like this was all his fault and if anything happened to her he would be devastated because he never got to truly tell her how he feels.

Yes. I say sticking out my tongue at the funny faced cloud staring back at me. Oh no, its best I get back before the sunsets. Everyone is probably worried about me.

My feet touch the cold pavement on the school's roof. I tuck my wings away and head for the door. I stop in my tracks and look behind me. I'm getting that creepy feeling as if someone is watching me.


There was no answer. I turn back around to see a tall man in front of me. But before I could let out a scream everything went black. Until I hear that voice again.

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