Chapter 21: Our Wings

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Well, well, well who knew you would get so tall.


I spun around to see him. His slick black hair pulled back out of his long face. I ran to him leaping into his arms.

Daddy, I'm so sorry I lost. I say crying into his shoulder as I once did long ago.

"Layla, what are you talking about?" He said placing his hand on top of my head.

I lost the fight. I'm dead and that means I'll never get to have the chance to have a family with Kaname. I'll never be able to watch my best friends get married. I've lost everything. I say as tears continue to run down my face.

"Oh, my dear child you have not lost." He said looking down at me with a smile.

W-what do you mean?

"Follow me." He said taking my hand and leading me down a black hallway.

We made our way to a blue door that laid at the end.

"In here you will come to understand."

I let go of his hand and walked inside the blinding bright room.

Hello? I call out.

Then the faint laughter of little kids began to get louder.

Pandora get back here. I'm going to get you.

OMG, what was that? I say as two small kids run past me disappearing back off into the bright foggy mist.

Then I hear the smack of a ruler on a desk.

"Layla, stop your daydreaming and work harder."

But mommm....

Mother? I whisper as I watch her walk back towards the whiteboard and fade away.

"It's just simple calculations Layla, nothing too hard. Look y=mx+b."

Zurie you're lucky that you were born smart.

"Layla, you're smarter than me, you just don't see it yet."

What the hell is going on here? Hello!

"Best friends forever?"

Well, you did eat my favorite gummy I guess I'll think about it.

Wait I remember this. This was summer of ninth year Pandora ate all my gummies and Zurie came in with a whole new bag for us all to share. That was the day that we all became best friends. Pandora was always getting into trouble and me most of the time helping out and Zurie trying to always save us from punishments.

"Come on, Layla, pick up the sword like this."

This was the night the twins taught me how to hold a sword. Also, the night Blade got cut by me and Quin ran around like a crazy person not knowing what to do. Oh, you boys are always going to be a mess.

"You know Layla we all need you. I mean I don't need you like.... What I'm trying to say is because of you we all fit together into one big cheese ball pot you hold our family and friendships together without you Kaname would probably stop taking showers and we both know that would not be good."

Oh Hanabusa I love you too. I can somehow still hear our laughs from that day at the cafe.

"Stop and listen. This chart goes here with these numbers and that blueprint goes there."

Wait so does that mean that the blueprint and the chart need to be together?

"Layla you really are helpless you're lucky you are my friend."

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