Chapter 9: The Color Red

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After everything happened in the basement Kaname carried me all the way to my room. I don't remember much because I kept falling asleep. When we reached my room he sat me down and opened up the door. I walk in and turn around to close the door but before I do I look at him one last time and smile.

Thank you, Kaname Kuran.

I shut the door and run to get a shower and change before the girls got back.

Hey, girls how's it going? I say greeting them as they walk into the room.

"Layla?" Zurie said walking up to me.

"Where the hell have you been? You've had all of us worried sick about you." Pandora said all sassy.

I've been just relaxing all day trying to gather my thoughts. I say trying not to act shaken up.

"I'm happy your okay Layla," Zurie said giving me a hug.

We all sit down and talk about what's been going on in our lives lately. I was shocked to hear that they are having as many guy problems as me right now. Pandora is worried that Hanabusa is starting to think that she is boring and lame. Shes confused on what to do and if she's doing anything right. Because she believes that is the reason why he has not asked her out yet. Zurie, on the other hand, is wondering if Tukuma sees her as more than a friend or just a good lab partner. I tell them how Kaname is such an amazing guy but even my feelings probably will not be good enough to be able to keep him in my life. How being the white wing princess is stopping me from truly finding love from a guy. We all realize that no matter the situation we are in we have one another and will figure it out together.

"We all need help," Pandora said laughing.

"Well according to my scientific reasoning we really do," Zurie said resting her hand under her chin.

We all share a good laugh and now another amazing memory.

Bang, Bang, Bang.

"Zurie, Pandora yall better let me in now," Alaric yelled continuing to bang on the door.

"I'm coming in."

"Chill Alaric what's got your balls tied up in a knot?" Pandora said.

"Where is Layla?" Alaric said looking at Zurie.

"Alaric it's not what it looks like," Zurie said scared.

Alaric don't come in here acting like a mad man. I say walking up to him.

"I am a mad man. Where have you been all day?"

I've been sick and I'm just now starting to feel better. I say.

"Meet me in the training room in an hour," Alaric said walking out of the room.

I got changed and put my hair up in a high messy bun and changed into my workout clothes and make my way to the training room. Oh, what do you have for me now Alaric?

I meet Alaric in the training room and we begin once again on hard physical training.

"Again, again, again. Step it up Layla I don't want to see you slow it down. Again dammit." Alaric continued to yell at me.

I stop and plop to the ground and lay down in exhaustion.

"We are not done here." He said.

Alaric I need a fucking break you asshole. At this point, I was irritated and had no control over what I was saying.

"I'm only trying to look out for you." He said wiping the sweat from his forehead.

Alaric was always there for me looking out for me ever since he showed up at the door after father died. The first memory I have of him is the tall dark figure that stood in the doorway waiting to come in talking to my mother. He would grow to be my number one bodyguard and my war training teacher. From just a knee-high little kid he was the one to raise me and teach me everything I've come to know.

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