Chapter 18: I Do

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"Layla will you stop moving so much the wedding is in a few hours and I need to finish doing your hair." Pandora said chasing me around the room.

It was finally the big day. We arrived at Kanames home a day ago and I have not been able to see him since last night. It's killing me being away from him this long. I wonder what he is doing? Also I can't believe that this is happening all so fast it's actually crazy.

Pandora what do you think Kaname is doing? I ask while looking out the window.

"Probably being a good little groom and liaising." She said tugging at my hair.

Meanwhile, Kaname was running around his room trying to pick things up and make it look nice for when Layla sees it.

"What are you doing Kaname?" Hanabusa said, watching him.

" I have to make my room look like a big boys room because I may or may not have talked bad about Layla's." Kaname said pushing things under the bed.

"Oh Kaname I'm happy I no longer have to put up with you but poor Layla." Hanabusa said placing his hand over his face.

"What's that supposed to me?" Kaname asked with a handful of clothes.

Ding Dong Ding Dong

"Layla!" Pandora yelled.

"Stop moving."

That was the first bell which means the wedding has started oh no I'm going to be late. I run out of the room but hear Pandora yelling behind me.

"Layla don't forget your shoes." She said running after me.

I turn around and grab the shoes out of her hands and slip them on. I make my way down the hall and to the stairs. I sit down on the relling and slide down it. I leap off the end and continue to run to the throne room. I stop at the door and wait for Pandora and Zurie to check up.

What took you so long? I say watching them limp up to me.

"Layla your hair." Pandora says out of breath.

Zurie hands me the flowers while Pandora fixes my hair.

We heard the music start to play and we knew it was time.

"You look stunning my queen." Zurie said baling.

I look at them both and knew that we were all ready for this new chapter in our lives, but I'm more thankful and happy that I have the two most trusted best friends in the world. The door opened and the red carpet was covered in pink petals. Zurie, Pandora, and me lock arms and make our way down the rows of people. I look up to see Kaname. He looks so handsome it makes me want to already start to cry but I hold it back. The closer I get to him the more clearer he becomes. Both Pandora and Zurie let me go and hand me off to Kaname. His eyes were filled with tears and so were mine.

"You look stunning my love." He said taking my hand.

I smile and we get started.

"Welcome everyone on this fine afternoon you all may take a seat." The priest said.

"Do you Kaname Kuran take Layla Yagari as your lawful wife to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

"I do." Kaname said, looking at me with a smile.

"Do you Layla Yagari take Kaname Kuran as your lawful husband to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

I do. I say with a smile griping Kanames hands tighter.

"Then may these rings be blessed as a symbol of your love."

I pick up the black ring off the red pillow and Kaname picks up a silver one. I slide it on his hand and he smiles and he grabs my hand and slides the small silver ring on mine.

"Go now in peace and live in love, sharing the most precious gifts you have. The gift of your lives and may your days be long on this earth. I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

He pulls me closer to him and wraps one arm around my waist why he places the other one on my cheek. He kisses me every so gently and pashinot. Then I hear the screams and shouts around us. Kaname takes my hand and leads me down the red carpet and out the doors.

Hours later and the party has now begun. People were everywhere, dancing and getting drunk. They were all having fun and so was I.

"Let's get out of here." Kaname said taking my wrist and leading me up to his bedroom.

Kaname what are you doing? I say laughing.

Kaname opens up the door to his bedroom and we both walk in and he closes the door behind us.

Wow, it's so big. I say looking around.

"Only the best for my queen." He said walking to the window.

"This room was built and designed just for a queen and king. The dubble king sized bed the walk in closet to the grande bathroom." He said walking around.

It's so clean and grown up. I could tell that he had been king for a long time now. His room reminded me of when I walked into his room back at the school. I was clean and spotless just like this one.

"So my queen welcome home. Everything this kingdom touches is yours including me." He said getting closer to me.

I smile and blush with the touch of his cold fingertip on my cheek. He then leaned in to whisper something in my ear.

"I think it's time to pick up where we left off in the tent."

He then looked at me and bit his lip and picked me up carrying me to the bed. He laid me down and slowly crawled on top of me. He kissed me then lifted me up. This was new him being ever so gentle like I'm a fraggle attack piece.

Don't take it easy on me now big boy give me everything you have and give it to me hard. I say biting his lip.

He then looks at me and gives me this devilish smile and before I knew it he ripped the back of my wedding dress and slipped it down off my shoulders and off around my ankles. He pushes me down on the bed and slowly kisses and nips me around the waistband of my panities. He then takes both of his hands and pulls them off me which sends a cold shock wave throughout my body. He places a small kiss on me that makes me moan his name.


He makes his way back up to me and starts to kiss me on my neck. I take in a gush of air. The feeling of him made me so wet and wild for him. I beg him to not stop and to give more. I take my hands and rip off his shirt and then dig my nails into his back making him wine in pleasure. He then sits up on his knees and undoes his pants while I hold my hand over each and every abe. He leaned down and nibbled at my ear.

"I'm going to have to punish you now baby girl that was my favorite shirt."

He teases me and he makes me beg.

Kaname please give it to me. I beg.

He flips me over and spanks my ass which makes me gasp in excitement. He grabbed me on each side of my waist and drove himself into me.

Oh Kaname. I moan.

He picks up his speed and I began to beg him to not stop. He flips me back over and kisses me and starts back at it again. His thrust began to get more sloper but the pleasure didn't stop. His moaning starts to get louder and he reaches his max and so do I. He kisses my body then places a small kiss on my lips before plopping down beside me.

"That felt good." He said out of breath.

I laugh and smile trying to chetch mine.

I love you Kaname.

He didn't say anything back so I turned my head to look at him to see him already fast asleep. I roll over and cuddle up to him more happy than ever. I feel like this is a dream and if so I wish to never wake up.

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