Chapter 15: The Bloody Rose

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The once green grass was now stained red; the once silent air now blew to the north and the love between two joined together as one.

I screamed and yelled pounding on his chest to take a gulp of air.

Come back to me.

I pull out my wings and everyone behind me gasped. I pull out one of my feathers and place it over Kanames wond. I place both of my hands over the feather and feel everything. His pain, his happiness, his hate, and his love. My eyes turn purple as a bright light appears between Kaname and my hands. I feel him. Kaname come back to me. He takes in a big gulp of air and opens his eyes.

Kaname. I say crying, placing my head on his chest.

"Ouch easy there."

Omg I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry.

"Will you stop apologizing and just kiss me." He said with a smile.

I lean in to kiss him and then everything goes black.

"Layla, run."

"Layla, run."

"Layla, run."

I feel as if everything around is consuming me. The pain is too strong and the smell of fire is in my nose.

Where am I? I say opening my eyes.

Kaname runs to my side and takes my hand.

"Don't move too fast."

Kaname what happened?

"You killed me. So now I'm back to haunt you." He says laughing.

That's right. Thats to bad we want get to had sex anymore. I say closing my eyes.

"What no you bring me back to life." He said with his eyes as wide as that could be.

Come here. I say bring him closer to me so I could kiss him.

"I've missed you."

"Layla, your wake." Hanabusa said walking into the tent.

Guys, you're all alive and well. It's good to see that you all are okay. I say with a smile.

"Yeah, nothing can tear down the great big ol mighty Hanabusa." Hanabusa says taking his fist to his chest.

Wait what happened? Why were we fighting one another? I say looking at everyone.

"I'm afraid that I don't really have a reason for that, but I do remember you mother sending us off to war and if you won you would be queen." Zurie said while holding Takuma's hand.

That's right. Mother sent me to war to fight the black wing king and if I won the crown was mine. However, I would never want to fight or kill Kaname and everyone else. I forgot everything about them but just not me we all did. Why would we though? I sat and questioned to myself.

"Layla, is everything okay with you?" Pandora said kneeling down beside me.

We forgot everything. I say in a low voice.

"What?" Kaname asked.

We forgot about one another.

"There is no way in hell I would forget Hanabusa." Pandora said crossing her arms.

"But we did." Takuma spoke out behind Zurie.

"We forgot everything that happened at the school and once we left one another our memories were replaced with false ones." He said walking closer to Kaname.

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