Chapter 20: Black Fire

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The cold air blew within the strains on my hair as I raced to the battlegrounds. The memories flashed through my mind as if I was flipping through the pages of my very own photo book. My father, my friends, school, and Kaname.

Then I whisper under my breath, I love you.

I pull my horse to a stop and look up to the sky and scream. I bury my face in my hands and cry. How could I be strong knowing I was about to die? My life with everyone, my life with him was for what. I didn't understand the purpose that has been placed in my hands. Everything happens for a reason, right? No, this is not right. Tears continued to roll down my face. I wrap my fingers around the end of my sword and close my eyes. Why dad why bless me with a gift with so much power and let me not be able to change things. I fill my lungs with a breath of air and continue on my way to the knowing and yet the unknowing.

Meanwhile, Kaname woke up to the letter and rose. He smiles but then begins to worry. He puts the rose to the tip of his nose and then starts to carefully unseal the letter.

Dear, My Love

Good morning, how did you sleep? On this well morning, I want you to roll out of bed and get dressed and walk outside. Are you outside yet? I guess I'll just have to take your word on it. Look up at the rising sun my love and tell me what you see. The rising sun is what I saw the day I walked into school and bumped into you. Do you ever still wonder if that was on purpose or just an accident? Well, whatever it was I'm happy it did happen. I got to get married and fall in love. I gotta watch my friends grow up and find someone. Watching all of you be so happy and lucky I couldn't dare take that away from you. Thank you for giving me the life I will not regret living. However, it's my time to say my farewells. For some time now I've seen my death come closer and I've watched it over and over again every time I close my eyes. I just want you to just remember me for who I was. I love you Kaname. Til death do us apart.

Kamane ran back inside yelling out for everyone while tears rolled down his face like a running river.

"Everyone, please wake up." He screamed in the hallway.

Some girls come running up to him with their swords drawn ready for a fight.

"Is everything okay your highness?" One of the guards proceeded to say lowering his sword.

"Get my horse ready," Kaname said, walking to his room to put on his armor.

"NOW!" He proceeded to yell.

He turned around to see everyone at the end of the stairs, but they already knew what had happened by the look on his face. They all head back upstairs to get ready and head to meet Kaname outside.

"Why would she do this?" Pandora said, walking alongside Hanabusa, Zurie, and Takuma.

"I believe she knew what was going to happen," Takuma said, reaching for Zuries hand.

"That's why she spent so much time with us. I should have known." Hanabusa said frustrated with himself.

"I just hope she's still okay," Zurie said pushing open the front door.

They all watched Kaname hop onto his horse and tighten his grip on the rains. They began to pick up their step trying to keep up with Kaname who had already taken off at full blast.

"He's lost his mind," Takuma said.

"All for love." Pandora said looking at Zurie.

Meanwhile, Layla finally makes her way to the grounds and hops off her horse. There he was the man in black. He had a black helmet and a long sleeve midnight black armor set. He stood there not moving with his right hand around the end of the sword.

Who are you? I scream across the field.

No answer, not even a huff.

He drew out his sword and pointed it at her.

"You will pay for the death of the one I love." He yelled.

What are you talking about? I've hurt no one. I say looking confused.

"Don't act as if you do not remember. I was meant to become king, not you."



"Now you remember. I loved her and she loved me. We were going to run the world together but your father tried to stop us. He found out and threatened to leave and expose her and we could not have that so we killed him. Then you grow up thinking you were going to become queen so you became a problem as well. You were supposed to die, not her. Now you will pay for her death."

No, it can't be. Alaric!

He pulled off his helmet and threw it to the side. It hit the ground with a thud and then he began to walk closer.

Alaric why just why? She never truly loved you, she was only using you. You were nothing but a pawn in her game.

"Don't say that she loved meeee." Alaric said, charging at her with full force.

I drew out my sword just in time to block his first swing. I look into his eyes, he's been crying. I swing my sword and he blocks my blow then takes a step back. I take a step forward and swing once again. Our swords continue to bang against one another.

Alaric you don't have to do this! I yell.

"You killed her and now I'll kill you."

He's fully lost his mind and there is no reasoning with him. He's jumped so far into the black pit that there's nothing left but hate.

I swing my sword once again and nic his cheek. Blood started to trickle down and he placed a hand over the freshly made cut. Then I heard a voice call out to me.


No please tell me he didn't come here.

There he was, his long black hair tied up. His sword drawn and ready to go.


Then I feel it the sharp pain engite my back. I forgot Alaric was behind me. He has wronged his sword between my shoulder blades and drug the tip along my right side where my wings where I turn to see face him.

"Now you will die."

He charged at me but I blocked him with what little strength I had left, but then I heard it again.

"Layla run."

Alaric swings once again but from all the blood lost I block what I could then fall. He gets on top of me and gets ready to drive his sword into my heart. Then I see my chance I reach for my sword and grip the handle.

"Tell me what blazing fire feels like." He said with a smile.

I laugh. "Never think you've won until the very end."

I drive my sword into his chest and watch him fall next to me. My back started to burn and I began to scream in pain. I look over and then I see it. Ashes fluttered around my face and I fell onto the ground.

My wings there are gone, they're really gone.

Then everything goes black.

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