Chapter 7: The Shadows

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Every day since we all went to dinner together we all have been hanging out a lot more. I believe that I'm finally starting to understand Kaname, but when he starts to show his feelings he runs away.

Oh Kaname, what are you running from?

I'm in history class for half of the day today! We are grouping up for a project this upcoming week before the dance. However, before we all get started there's a test today.

Oh no I forgot to study. I was up late last night trying to get my body back in shape with Alaric.

"Faster!" He yelled!

"Your feet placement is all wrong Layla. Again!" Alaric continued to say!

I know I've been to busy to train lately but I really want to show him I can take him down. Maybe I just need that right motivation or just the right reason. Even though there's an obstacle course on brute intense physical training coming up I believe I'm still as strong as I've always been. Maybe even stronger.

Jade passes out the papers to everyone.

"Everyone get started; you all have two hours to complete and turn in your test." The teacher said sitting down and putting his nose back into the book that always sat in the middle of his desk with the red leather cover.

Okay, I got this just remember deep breaths in, out, in, and out.

First question: What's the highest-ranking of our kind? Purebloods, because they have the 4 rings which mean four different powers.

See I got this.

Second question: What are all the rankings called? Name them in order from highest to lowest. There are three total rankings. Pureblood, aristocrats, and level B's.

This is probably going to be easier then I thought.

Third question: What was the biggest war over and why was it so painful to many? The Golden Grass war was was the largest and longest war because of the battle between both the white and black-winged kingdom. It's was over power and land. However, it was said that long ago that both kingdoms worked side by side until the white wing king stole the woman the black-winged king loved. Both the woman he loved and the white wing king ran to the white kingdom and put shame on the black wing king. Even though things got worse the black king lost his mind and killed the white king along with the woman he once loved. Then it was said that he went home and took his own life. And ever since both kingdoms have been rivals ever since. The pain was so great because the two kingdoms tore not only one another part but many families.

I wonder what it would be like if that war had never happened. Maybe my father would still be alive.

I finish the test and put it on the teachers' desk upside down. On my way back to my desk I look out the door that led to the hallway because I felt as if I was being watched. I turn by around and sit down waiting for my next task.

"This project is going to be on your history and how history has affected you and others around you." The teacher said handing us a posterboard along with instructions.

Before I knew it it was time to go back to our room. My history and how has it affected me and others around me. My history is the one thing I keep locked away and hidden from everyone just because I am the white wing princess.

What was that? I turn around to get that feeling again. The feeling that someone is watching me. I began to put a jog to my step trying to get to my room faster. I look behind me making sure no one was following me.

Ouch. I say rubbing my head.

"You must really love running into me," Kaname said holding out his hand to help me up.

"Are you okay Layla?" He asks tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

Yeah, I'm fine. I say looking behind me.

"I doubt that. Your shaking like crazy Layla. Please talk to me." Kaname said taking me into his arms.

My face was placed on his chest as my arm was wrapped around his waist. He plays with my hair and I almost forgot about what I was even scared of.

I just felt as if I was being followed that's all. I say getting out of his arms.

"Here the least I can do is walk you to your room." He said grabbing my hand.

On the way down the dim hall almost to my room Kaname stops and looks at me.

What's wrong Kaname? Are you okay? I ask in worry.

"You're worried about me; how stupid can you be sometimes." He said placing both hands on the side of my face.

"Just let me worry about you for once."


I look at him admiring his eyes, his beauty, and his lips. He pulls me closer to him as we both exchange silence. He leans in.

Kaname I'm sorry. I say removing myself out of his grip.

I run to my room and close the door. I fall to my knees and begin to cry. I can't, I can't do this. What's wrong with me? I just ran away from him leaving him to stand there all alone. When he finally opens up to me. Am I in love with him? Is this what love is like? I hate this feeling. I hate this feeling like I've let him down. Now I understand, I understand why the black king did what he did why he killed everyone and then himself.

I hate love. 

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