Chapter 14: War

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"Layla, run."

Who are you? I yell.

A man in black starts to walk closer to me. The fire is consuming every inch of me the pain is to bearing, but that voice is still there.

"Layla, run."

I wake to a loud bang coming from the front door. I run down stairs to see Alaric opening the door to Jade bringing all of our armor in. It's already been a month and I'm more ready than ever. However, my dream is starting to tell me more which means that death for me is close, but who is he the man in black? Who's yelling for me? Can I change my fate?

"Layla are you okay?" Mother said at the end of the table.

Yes mother I'm fine.

"You seem like something is troubling you." She said taking a bite of her apple.

No not at all but just know mother when I get back after winning this war the crown is mine. I say standing up.

"Well of course my daughter that is the deal."

I walk to my room and rest up before tomorrow. We are all leaving at the break of dawn and traveling east where the black wing king waits.

Ding Dong Ding Dong

The bells ring at the sight of the new sun. I stand in the middle of my room while Blade places each piece of armor on my body. Jade did an amazing job. The white of the armor and the black under peace made everything show out. The shoulder blades round out my shoulders while the chest piece tightly holds to my upper body. The leg armor girps all the way up my thighs while the forearm peace campliemens it. I stand looking at myself in the morrow as Quin hands me my helmet. I placed my helmet under my arm and turned around to walk out the door but just before I did I turn back around to look one last time in my room.

I hope I make you proud dad.

Everyone is lined up ready to head out. Alaric hands me the raines to my horse and I grab them and jump on my white beast. I kicked the side of the horse to indicate him to move forward. I rode him through the crowd of soldiers all baling at me as I passed by them. At the front of the line I look up at the orgone sky and and raise my hand holding my helmet and yell.

Tonight is not a night of death. Tonight is not a night of fear. However tonight is a meaning to a new beginning.

I placed my helmet on my head as everyone behind me shouted and cheered. I kick my horse once more to make him move. I think to myself and look down at my wrist to see the bracelet I continue to wear. Is becoming queen the right thing to do when your killing so many? What does it feel like to have blood on your hands?

We all arrive in the east and make base before the sun sets. We all need to rest up before day break but I know no one will get some sleep.

I walk to the tent and go over everything with everyone and mark placements on the map. Everyone is ready for day break but I just wish there was a different way. I send out the night guards and tell them to switch around every few hours and to report back if any movement was seen. I order the messenger to send out a letter to the castle stating everyone made it and war will be happening in eighteen hours. I walk back to my tent to see Pandora and Zurie sitting down.

Hey girls everything okay?

"Layla, are you sure you can do this?" Zurie said worried.

I'm afraid I have no choice.

"We got this. It's just like feenseing." Pandora said with a smile.

It's nothing like feenseing. I say within a laugh.

"Oh now come on I said like." Pandora said.

You guys get some rest I'll be right here if you need me.

They both laid down and tossed and turned all night. I didn't get any sleep. I was too busy thinking about my dream.

Day break came and everyone was on the field ready to fight. The air was silent and everything was calm. I put my helmet on and then the thunder came running closer. I could hear every footstep and every galup. The black wing king has finally made his arrival. He sat on top of a black horse while his red glowing sword hung at his side. His black armo stood out against the red under suit while his red helmet laid covering his face. He knows what he's doing. I watch him as his men lined up behind him and alongside him.

"Are you sure a little girl like yourself is going to be taking down me." He yelled.

"Just know someone is not going to have the chance to go back home and cry to mommy." He continued to say.

Enough talk! I yell.

I pull out my sword and point it at the sky he does the same. I take a deep breath and take one last look around then close my eyes.

Daddy, please don't go. I say.

"Oh, my sweet Layla I don't want go anywhere."

Daddy, what is it like when you go to war?

"It's colorful and loud with lafter."

I wish to be just like you some day.

"One day you'll come to realize that war is a powerful thing and once you are on the field you only see the color red."

I open my eyes and say I love the color red.

I drop my sword and all of my shoulders take off and the black wing king does the same.

I sit back as my people fight and lose their lives then I look at the black wing king and charge. My horse runs through the crowd of swords and blood then falls. I struggle to release myself from under my now blood covered horse. I scream and yell then Pandora runs to me I get free and run to the black wing king. I take my sword and cut down everyone in my way. Then before I knew it, his sword was clishing and clinging against mine. We tried to find a clearing to make that one strike but we keep one another at stand. He swung and I blocked him. I swing he blocks me. We jump and walk over dead bodies and keep spinning one another around. I lost my foot placement and cech myself but the black wing king took his sword and wiped off my helmet. He froze in place.

I see my chance and drive my sword into his chest. He looked at the sword and back at me and falls to the ground. Everyone around us stops fighting and watches.

Now look at me and see that this face will be the last face you see. I say pulling off his helmet.


No No No No

Please no this can't be how? I say falling next to him in tears.

"Let me see them beautiful eyes." He said placing his hand on my cheek.

"I love you Layla."

His hand falls and he closes his eyes.

No Kaname!

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