Chapter 13: Arguments

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Nya was heading toward the door to leave the recovery room, and go find Lloyd. She looked like she was about to murder someone. That someone was probably Lloyd.

Jay and Zane were still outside the door, they heard the whole thing between Kai and Nya. That means they heard Kai's breakdown. While Nya was going towards the door, Jay and Zane had no idea what was coming their way. Well... Jay didn't.

Jay: "Jeez... poor Kai..."
Zane: "Jay, I believe Ny-"
Jay: "Why did Lloyd shout at him anyway?!"
Zane: "We must-"
Jay: "I mean, I've never heard him even raise his voice before! Well... except when he was telling his dad about how he should stop being evil."
Zane: "Jay!"

Zane shouted louder than before, grabbing Jay's attention. But it was too late.

Jay: "Wha-"

Jay then looked up, to see Nya in the stood one the doorway they were just listening in on. His eyebrows furrowed slightly in worry, and a small bit of fear.

Jay: "Oh... h-hey... N-Nya..."

Nya glared at them both, while saying nothing. Both of the boys were too scared to say anything either, so Zane only pointed a finger at Jay, blaming it on him. Jay saw this and gave a look of betrayal.

Jay: "It wasn't m-"

He was cut off when Nya stormed passed them both, without saying a word. And stomped off to Lloyd's bedroom.

Once she was out of sight, Jay spoke up.

Jay: "What was that all about?!"
Zane: "I believe she has gone to go talk to Lloyd."
Jay: *gasp* "I'm gonna go follow them!"

Jay stood up from where he and Zane were just knelt down and quickly but quietly walked down the corridor Nya had just went down.

Zane: "Wait for me!"

Zane also stood up and began to follow Jay. Most likely to make sure he wouldn't get himself into any more trouble.

Jay: "I bet $10 on Nya!"
Zane: "You have a serious gambling issue."


Lloyd had just left Kai's bedroom, leaving Cole in there alone. He had wiped away most of his tears on his sleeve, leaving small, wet darkened patches on his clothes, and was now running towards the recovery room to go and talk to Kai.

He had just turned one of the corners, and all he had to do now was run down the long hallway, and turn left! But what he didn't know, was that there was a bomb that was ready to blow.

He had now started to run down the corridor, his confidence growing, he could do this... he was almost there! It's going to be okay... he kept telling himself. Then out of no where Nya appeared, stood at the end of the corridor. And in that moment, Lloyd knew he was screwed.

Nya: "LLOYD!"

The volume alone was enough to reduce all of his confidence to almost nothing and replace it with fear. He stopped running. He watched Nya start to slowly walk towards him through the long corridor, with every second that passed, the more scared and tense he became.

He learnt that Nya and Kai were both extremely overprotective of each other. He noticed this when Jay was trying to ask Nya out. And now he was in for it.


Lloyds heart began to beat out of his chest. She was getting closer and was over halfway to Lloyd, when Jay and Zane came around the corner.

Lloyd took a few steps back as he held his hands out in defence, while also trying to look anywhere but the fuming female in front of him.

Lloyd: "Nya... c-calm down... I'm sure we can talk-"

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