Chapter 4

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What a scene, I don't think I had ever seen Siruis so shocked and James so amused.

"Miss Désir, detention!" yelled the teacher across the quidditch pitch, all she did in response was let her broom fall to the ground before following the teacher back into the castle.

"you should have seen it Evans," James was still clearly amused by this morning's events.

"Potter could I not just eat my dinner peacefully, I've already heard what happened,"

"wait, who told you," Siruis pushed himself forward,

"From the star in person,"

"You talked to her?" James seemed much to surprised by this,

"yes I did, I don't exactly support violence, but I think that she did the right thing by not letting them bully her, she a nice girl but those slytherins are really testing her,"

She wasn't wrong, after those events, anytime I would see her in the halls some slytherin would scream across, "fake slytherin," just to humiliate or upset her.

It was cruel and stupid, but she seemed to be taking rather well, at least that's the message coming across by her. She would ignore every insult and nasty comment.

"Excuse me,"

I without looking up from my notes I asked, "yes, can I help you?"

The sweet modulated voice spoke once more, "could I have my copy of potions making back please,"

As I finally looked up, it was Viel, "sure I didn't know we had it,"

She lightly smiled before picking up the copy of advance potions making laying on mine and James's desk.

"She's flirting," James mocked

"Stop it, could you be mature for once?" I watched her intensely, as she walk back to her desk where she sat next to, Serveus.

"Why is she sitting with him?" I asked knowing James didn't really have to answer,

"probably because just like him, she has no friends,"

I laid in bed overthinking and repeating to myself the words James had said during potions class. I stared unknowingly at my own copy of potions making.

She was a strange girl, she was a transfer student from France, that was already rather strange. Transfer students weren't common, then there was her attitude towards a boy mentioning her brother.

Was I the only one asking myself these questions? She was clearly a student filled with secrets, because it didn't add up.

We Will Go Down In History (Remus X OC) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora