Candy Rain

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"Jimin, are you gonna talk to me or just pout all night?" Taehyung sighed as he watched his boyfriend furrow his eyebrows and pucker his lips into a cute pout. He was currently spooning Jimin on the hospital bed, the smaller male refusing to talk but silently demanding cuddles. "Fine, I might as well go sit in the chair—" Taehyung withdrew his arm from around Jimin's waist but the other male quickly pulled it back over him to continue the cuddle marathon.

Taehyung smiled softly and kissed the back of his head, inhaling the wonderful scent that was Jimin. "Baby, please talk to me,"

Jimin shook his head vigorously. Taehyung always hated the silent treatment, well, he actually just hated silence period. There always had to be background noise in order for him to feel comfortable, it helped that Jimin always liked to talk. He could hold a conversation all on his own and Taehyung just loved listening to the sound of his voice. It was soothing in a way that he would never get tired of. There were nights when Jimin would just talk about his day or a certain memory and keep Taehyung entertained for hours. Having the same boy give him the silent treatment was driving him up the wall.

Taehyung leaned forward until his back was snuggly pressed against the smaller male, his nose buried in his hair. "Jimin, I didn't cheat on you. Minji is an old college friend who was in town and wanted to meet up so I invited her over. I had no idea she was gonna be butt naked in my bed as soon as I turned my back, believe me, baby. You mean more to me than a night with her ever did."

"Did?" Jimin whispered angrily.

Taehyung's eye widened, realizing he just fucked up. "Ba-baby, it was a long time ago, I swear! Nothing was going to happen! You know why? Because I have you and I wasn't going to fuck that up!"

"Then why didn't you tell me you were having her over?" Jimin whispered so low that Taehyung had to strain his ears to catch it.

Taehyung gulped, he could feel a cold sweat washing over his body. He knew this question was coming but he still hoped he could've avoided it. He clenched his eyes shut, "Because she's also my ex,"

Taehyung felt Jimin stiffen before he threw Taehyung's arm off him and proceeded to shove him off the narrow hospital bed. "Ji-Jimin, stop—I'mma fall—!" Taehyung crashed to the ground with a loud smack to the tile floor.  "Jimin! What the fuck!"

Jimin glared down at him, his upper lip curling back into a snarl. He was beyond livid. "Don't 'what the fuck' me, you cheating bastard! Why the fuck would you see an ex-girlfriend and not tell your current fucking boyfriend!" Jimin screeched.

Taehyung jumped up from the floor his brows drawn together in worry. Jimin often yelled but never at Taehyung, at least not in anger. "You're right. I fucked up. I should've told you, but I knew you'd be pissed and tell me not to meet with her."

"How the fuck would you know what I'd do? Are you me? No, so don't be thinking for me, you Gucci-obsessed foreskin!" Jimin sneered. All the anger from continually being cheated on throughout the years hit Jimin at full force. If he had a heart monitor on it would be going ape shit.

"Baby, calm down, I knew you'd be mad because—"

"Because she's your ex? Wow, you are so fucking right! The fact that you weren't even going to tell me you were meeting up with her is old fucking news. Like, really, I'm not even mad,"


"Of course, I'm fucking mad, you dipshit!" Jimin shook his head in amazement as it finally hit him what Taehyung did. "If I went behind your back to see my ex and didn't say shit to you, how would you feel, Taehyung? You'd be pissed," Jimin wiped his tears, he hated that he cried when he was mad, it made him look pathetic. Stupid fucking tear ducts. Stupid fucking emotions.

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