Taehyung was joyous after his encounter with Jimin. He had just made his first friend in Helville High. Jimin seemed really nice, and that fact made Taehyung more than happy because all the people he had met up until then in this school were rather, how would he put it, cruel.
For starters, Jimin hadn't called him a faggot. Taehyung was starting to gain back some of that hope he lost. Maybe he can survive this hell hole after all.
Or maybe not.
Taehyung's smile instantly drops when he sees what class he has next. Bible studies. How great! Now Taehyung can go to a proper class that told him being gay means he belongs to the devil.
With a little less bounce in his steps, Taehyung walks into his bible studies classroom. The classroom itself looks pleasant. It has bright eye-catching colours that make him feel welcomed. But then again, looks can be deceiving.
Taehyung stops the teacher, a middle-aged woman with a cheery expression. She looks up at Taehyung and smiles, "oh, you must be our new student. Taehyung, right?"
Taehyung nods, walking further into the class. He notices that he is one of the first students here.
"Well, nice to meet you, Taehyung dear. My name is Ms Song."
Taehyung smiles shyly at the teacher. "Take a seat dear, the class will be starting in a few minutes."
Taehyung nods before heading to a desk which he hopes is unoccupied.
He gazes out the window, eyes fixating on the flourishing clouds that are blossoming across the sky. He hopes that the dark clouds are a sign of rainfall. Taehyung loves rain. He just finds this unexplainable sense of serenity that comes with the crashing of water onto land.
As Taehyung loses himself in his thoughts of the weather, the teacher, Ms Song, clears her throat to catch everyone's attention.
"Okay class, welcome back to bible studies. I hope you all enjoyed your break and feel refreshed and ready to roll. As I was talking about in bible studies last..."
Taehyung finds himself getting disinterested in the teacher words, his black irises drifting off in wander around the room. And that's when he notices it. The mop of ravenette hair sitting at the far end of the classroom. Jeon Jungkook.
Just my luck, Taehyung thinks. Another class with him, and even better, it just so happens to be bible studies.
Homosexuality is a sin; ft my homophobic roommate and me, the little closeted gay boy.
"This year, I have a project set for all of you. You are to create a powerpoint on homosexuality."
Now this catches Taehyung's attention.
"I want an in-depth analysis of the origins of homosexuality along with its offence to the bible. I want nice clear images, make it look presentable, please. On week nine, you shall be presenting this. And don't worry, since I know this may seem like a lot of work, I will pair you up with a classmate, you both will present together but I will mark you individually on your presenting abilities."
Taehyung crosses his fingers, his heart, his toes, he even clenches his buttcheeks, praying that he can work with someone nice. The last thing he needs is to work on a presentation with someone who treats him like trash.
" I have chosen the pairings-" this elicits multiple whines and groans of displeasure from the class. Ms Song giggles, "gosh, you're all so childish. You need to know how to work with people that you might not be great friends with, it's an important life skill."
The class chatter away, silently cursing the teacher for her deeds. Taehyung anxiously waits for his partner to be called out.
"Luckas and Noku, Brendon and Jin Young, Hoseok and Taehyung..."
Taehyung searches around the class, trying to see who this Hoseok kid is.
"Ms, Hoseok got a timetable change so he is no longer in this class." A kid calls out from the back.
"Oh, is that so?" Ms Song looks back down at her paper, frowning slightly before making some adjustments. "Well then, Taehyung dear, you can go with Jungkook, I was going to pair him in a three but now it seems that that's not necessary."
Taehyung's eyes widen. Did he hear that right? This can't be happening, no way! Taehyung slowly turns around to meet eyes with the ravenette. The boy stares at him with a smirk, causing anxious shivers to run down his back.
"Okay class, now that I've paired you all up, you can start thinking about how you wanna do you assignment. This is not an in-class assignment and I will not be allowing you to do any of the work in class so please make sure you organise a study schedule with your partner. "
Taehyung exits the classroom feeling somewhat mortified. How was he going to survive doing an entire project on homosexuality with Jeon Jungkook?
The blue-haired boy slowly trudges down the hall, having no energy left to walk normally. He opens his locker and tries to put his books inside when suddenly someone grabs his books off him.
He looks up to find that blonde-haired boy from his first day. Yoongi? Yoongi.
He feels anxious as the blond stares at him menacingly. "Oh I'm sorry, is this your book? I didn't realise," he says mockingly. "Well, here you go."
The boy holds the book above his head, far from Taehyung's reach. Taehyung jumps and attempts to reach it but fails. "Please give me m-my book back."
Yoongi cackles, earning the attention of his group. The group of boys step forward, a familiar ravenette present there as well.
"Boy's what do you think, should we give him back the book?" Yoongi asks tauntingly.
A brunette steps forwards in front of Taehyung. "Only if this fag can reach it."
Taehyung wants to wither away at the words, wanting anything but to be standing there right now.
"P-please just give me my b-book."
The group burst into a chorus of laughter. They push Taehyung around making him trip and stumble onto the hard floor. Their laughter amplifies upon seeing his hurt expression.
Yoongi crouches down to be in level with the blue-head. "You wanted your book back? Well, here you go."
Taehyung watches in horror as the blond rips apart each and every page of his book, letting the pages fall onto the floor next to him.
The group of boys chuckle at the expression on Taehyung's face.
"He looks like he needs a good beating to get him outta his shock." A boy suggests from the back.
The others nod in agreement but a firm voice stops their movements. "Nah, I think that's enough for today, we don't wanna kill him just yet," Jungkook says with a smirk.
A chorus of agreement spreads through the group before they all march away, not before giving Taehyung a kick or two as they leave. Taehyung quickly gets up, ignoring the pain shooting across his body. He notices all the curious and amused stares being directed at him by the other students and he wants nothing more than for the ground to swallow him up whole.
It's only day two here at Helvile High, yet here Taehyung is, already questioning his chances of survival in this hellhole.
Poor Tae.
I love you guys, hope you liked this chapter. I thinks there's like a total of 3 people reading this book rn but that doesn't matter, I'm still grateful.

Homophobic High - VKOOK FF
FanfictionHelville High is a school full of homophobes. And In this school full of homophobes, Taehyung desperately tries to keep his sexuality hidden. After all, being gay in a school for straight males isn't ideal. But fate never seems to be on his side. A...