Chapter 26

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Kinda early update? 



The ravenette spins around to see who stopped him. 

He freezes, eyes meeting a pair of orbs that glisten with a lifeless spectrum of black.  


But he's not alone. 

Emerging from the depths of the night is a man that Jungkook not only hates but also fears 

"Boss..." Jungkook greets, trying to hide the quiver in his voice. 

The man smiles, not warmly but rather menacingly. "Ahh, Jungkook, how nice of us to meet again."

Jungkook nods stiffly, not wanting to enrage the man. 

"Heard you got caught by the cops," Baekhyun states as his lips flutter into a wide smirk. 

Jungkook tenses his jaw, "yes."

The older man steps forwards, his grey-ish black eyes meeting the young ravenette. A patter of rain starts to fall and Jungkook fidgets as the man continues to stare at him, eyes glancing over his shivering body. 

"Well now that you're out, we have another job for you."

Jungkook furrows his brows, staring up at the man as if he had gone insane. "I just came out of jail, I can't..."

He trails off, noticing the man's eyes sharpen into a glare. "You do as I say now, okay?"

Jungkook gulps down his nerves. "I-I- can't."

Everything seems to cease all movements; The whistling wind and the crying rain only act as a mere backdrop to the deadly stare that the mob boss gives the ravenette. 

"Are you refusing me?" The man asks, eerily calm. 

Baekhyun snickers in the background, entertained by what he sees. 

"S-Sir, I can't." Jungkook says as firmly as he can manage, quickly averting his gaze to the floor. 

The older man is silent for a few seconds, allowing for the patter of the rain to be heard over their voices. 

"So is that a no?" 

It's not a question. 

It's a threat. 

And Jungkook is brave enough to agree, "y-yeah."

But it's a mistake. 

Because one second he's standing upright and the next second he's on the floor, an iron-like fist clashing against his jaw. A sickening crack is heard along with the joyful sound of laughter. 

Baekhyun joins the man in the spree of violence; He kicks the solid heel of his shoe into the ravenette's gut, causing the boy to groan out in pain. 

Jungkook lays on the floor and takes in the hits. He doesn't fight back. 

Not when he knows that the man who is currently punching him happens to have a single action revolver in his back pocket and one wrong move could result in Jungkook's brains been blown out. Simply said, it's an unfair fight. 

It's an unfair fight in this unfair world. 

The rain starts to hammer down lividly, crashing against the rough ground that starts pooling with the scarlet liquid flowing from the ravenette. 

He groans out weakly as his body takes in the continuous jabs; He can only hope that someone would hear him, that someone would help. 

But who would hear him amidst such a ferocious storm?

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